An Assessment Of The Corporate Management Training Programs

By Marissa Velazquez

Corporate management programs focus on equipping the top managers of various commercial enterprises with the right sets of skills that are required to steer such organizations in the right direction. The training sessions aim ensuring that all the directors undergo through such sessions. This covers all the directors right from the strategic level to the middle level. The corporate management training programs are thus meant for the entire organization.

Most of strategic decisions are made at the apex level. The top mangers within a company are involved in making of a number of decisions. The branch and subsidiary directors meet and discuss over a couple of things. They decided the type of business operations that companies will venture into. The modes of operations are also agreed upon at the top level.

Commercial entities are headed by a group of executive and non-executive directors. Executive managers and directors are appointed through a process of voting by the shareholders. This is often done in an annual general meeting. These directors have a very important role to play in running of organizations. They chart a path for companies. This is often done through the formulation of policies, firm objectives and missions.

The non-executive directors are used to provide the balance between the management and the different classes of stakeholders. This special group of directors mainly consists of persons with a certain level of management experience for a specified period. They act as the representatives of external stakeholders to the board of managers. They advice on various courses of actions that ought to be taken especially of companies are venturing into high-risk operations.

The directors have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of various stakeholders. A commercial organization has several types of stakeholders. There are internal, external and the connected classes of shareholders. Each of these has several interests in the company in question. The managers work towards the harmonization of these interests. Where there are conflicts of interests, the directors come up with ways of reducing the conflicts.

Companies are formed with an aim of generating revenues on behalf of their owners and the shareholders. This is done by venturing into different industries. The manufacturing organizations venture into production and produce goods used for both domestic and commercial purposes. Through the production and sales, more revenues are generated.

A company has an obligation of conserving the environment around which it is operating. The manufacturing organizations have a role to play in taking parts in different environmental programs. They have to work towards making good of any harm that arises in the process of manufacturing. This is commonly done through the environmental conservation initiatives. Special systems that reduce the pollution of environment also have to be added into the production systems.

The corporate management training programs aims at improving the professionalism of managers. The management of different commercial entities is done within a certain scope. The work conduct is guided by special codes of conduct. These codes define how the managers are expected to behave when transacting with numerous clients.

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