Following Your Intuition When Using The Law Of Attraction

By Andrew Tatiana

Using the Law of Attraction and bringing your dreams into your reality might not be a simple matter of sitting on your bed with your legs crossed as you think about what you want. This isn't to say that manifesting is some sort of complicated process relegated to gurus or enlightened people. The entire process is simple enough that a child can understand it but often we adults complicate things. Some of us are led to believe that all there is to harnessing the power of the universe is to think good thoughts and dream about what we desire.

If you have spent countless hours thinking and visualizing what you want to manifest in your life without much to show for it, there is a very good chance that you are forgetting that most of the time change comes from action. Often, the changes that you are hoping for will manifest in your life in the form of thoughts or urges to do something. It might be a clever thought or idea that will require you to step outside of your comfort zone and do something with all the assurance and faith that this action will ultimately lead to the change that you're looking for. This thought might seem scary or you very well might feel uncomfortable with initiating this change yourself but when that inspiration initially comes upon you, there is often excitement and hope that accompanies it. This is the universe telling you what you need to do to bring about the change that you're hoping for.

There will be instances when your thoughts are highly charged with emotion and your thoughts seem to bring things to fruition quite quickly. Very often, these are negative emotions but there are times when your desire for something positive comes to you very quickly and without much effort. This happens sometimes when we're not really trying to force our will upon the universe but we are simply following a train of thought that is packed with emotions. Frustration and despair over an aspect of life that has us troubled makes us think about how nice it would be if this problem was solved. Your lawnmower breaks and you lack the funds or ability to get it fixed. You worry about the neighbors complaining about how tall your grass is and you wish that somehow that you had a lawnmower. Out of nowhere, a neighbor comes to you and offers you their old mower and your problem is solved in a moment.

Often, the larger wishes or dreams that we have take longer to show up in our life. There are some that say that this is simply because we lack the necessary faith or belief that this big change can come to us quickly. We think that big change will take months or years so the universe complies and the journey begins. Sometimes we even forget about that dream that we had until it becomes real in our life. The dream of owning a private island is forgotten until the moment we're signing the deed. The dream of driving a fast sports car is thought to be impossible and forgotten until that day that we have the keys in our hand. These big dreams get pushed to the back of our mind as we become busy with life and then they are remembered when they become our reality.

It is usually by following our instincts and taking advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves that we arrive at our dreams. One opportunity leads to another which puts us in a situation where we are at the right place at the right time. Some people might consider this luck or good fortune. Often there is a lot of energy, thought and patience involved that leads you to that luck. A desire to start your own business leads to a moment of inspiration that launches the perfect business at the perfect time. A chance meeting with an influential person leads to a job offer that catapults your career to new heights. Loneliness and a desire to get out and do something leads to meeting that perfect person that you have been waiting for. There really are no coincidences in this world.

Visualizing and thinking about how you want you life to be can be awesome and it is necessary to have dreams when your attempting to change your life using the Law of Attraction. Many people get stuck in this rut and expect that the whole process will be effortless. Visualizing is only the tip of the iceberg and only the first of many steps that are usually necessary in bringing a dream into reality. It will be that soft, quiet voice inside that tells you what to do or plants the seed of brilliance that leads to great change. Doubts may come and change might be a little scary at times but if you hold on to that feeling that you felt when you felt inspired, you can last through those moments of doubt. You can persevere and find the success that you have been looking for with the Law of Attraction.

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