Buy New Psychological Thrillers Online

By Jocelyn Davidson

For those who love novels revealing more about the human mind and emotional instability, there are many books online to satisfy their needs. New psychological thrillers are being released daily with plot twists, disturbing characters and strange settings. Readers will be able to find all the books written by their favorite authors and many more.

It is understanding how the protagonists and antagonists in these novels think that creates the tension. The reader is taken into their minds, understanding their fears, motives and hopes. We start to understand why they act in a certain way. This is what makes these novels different from a pure action thriller with car chases, bombings and shooting.

What is most riveting is that authors are dwelling on domestic situations. Husbands and wives slowly make frightening discoveries about one another. The reader sees what takes place behind locked doors in the privacy of bedrooms. The enemy may no longer be out there but may be the person closest to you.

The reader is often taking on a ride along with the protagonist, not knowing who to believe or trust. Sometimes the enemy is only revealed right at the end and someone one regarded as benign is revealed to be dangerous. Other authors prefer to do a step by step revelation of characters, slowly adding new twists and turns to keep the pace going.

In many thrillers, the distinction between good and evil characters is clearly drawn. The goodies set out to deal with the baddies. In novels like this, the distinction is not as clear. The bad types may gain some sympathy from the reader due to a revelation of what has made them bed. The good types may have flaws too so no situation is simply black and white. Sometimes someone who one thinks of as caring and concerned at the start may have their wickedness slowly revealed.

A protagonist in a novel like this usually has to rely more on mental resources than physical strength. Instead of a physical enemy that they can fight, the conflict comes in the form of mind games. He or she has to pit mental energy against manipulation and deception from the antagonist.

Readers tend to have a fascination with the darker sides of human nature. Perhaps it helps them to play out their own uncertainties and fears. Whatever the reason, the popularity of this genre is unquestionable. The human mind is so complex and this provides plenty of material for authors to explore.

There are many websites dedicated to selling such novels. The wide number available can make it difficult to make a choice. Reading reviews can be helpful and lists are always provided of top sellers so one can see what other readers have enjoyed. If you have a particular author you enjoy, you will easily be able to find all the other books written by this author and even be given suggestions of other authors you may enjoy.

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