Guide To Your Next Lecture Hall Seating

By Jocelyn Davidson

It is a normal enough scene. A hundred or more students pour in the large room. Some are alert and looking ready for the day. Some are trying hard to wipe off signs of sleepiness. Others are just plain confused and not trying to hide it. Yes, my friend, you have just entered the forest that we call lecture hall.

Lecture has been developed as a means to share instruction and information in person to a group of people, in a way that no book nor gadget can. And most people at one point in their lives have attended one or two. But whether a talk is boring or not, the one thing common in talks is that you can tell a lot about someone based on where he sits. Here are the things you need to know about lecture hall seating and you.

The seats upfront are always taken by the bright ones. Or maybe those who assume they are. They are those who likes to ask a lot of question and oftentimes debate with the professor. They are worth more than the class clown, because they always want to get the attention of the speaker. They are those who come in early and normally leaves last.

The people seated at the second row mostly are those that decide they are safe because the front row geniuses cover them. It could be true. Sometimes it is safe to sit here if you think you need to sleep, or maybe you just prefer not to be noticed.

If you are a normal student, not coming in too early nor too late, you are most likely at the center. You bravely clamber your way to the free seat amidst the stares and cuss of the people you pass. You are sure they would not remember you anyway.

Aisle hogger. These individuals tend to arrive a bit too early, just to make sure they get the aisle seat. They give everyone who dares to go over their lap the evil stare, or sometimes curse under their breaths, but they would never move over. And they would still be there the next day.

Aside from the aisle seats, the exit rows are also coveted. Here you would not be noticed coming in late, you can also come out earlier than the rest. And your coming in and out during the course of the talk can also go unnoticed. Most jocks like this area, aside from the back seat.

Lastly, the back group. They are the ones who are afraid to climb over others to get to the vacant seat, and those that are not afraid to be branded as always late. Also, these seats caters to those who thinks they are too cool for school, the jocks, and sometimes those who just do not care.

So if you attend a lecture, next time you get inside a lecture hall, look around and see for yourself. There may be other groups undiscovered, but these six exist. And before you grab that seat, think if that seat is really for you.

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