The Need For Safe Prisoner Partition

By Dominique Martin

The aim of taking wrong doers to prison is for correctional purposes away from the public until their jail term is over. No one likes to be locked away, whether it is just for one month or lifetime term, that is why many prisoners try to break out if their prisoner partition is not strong and safe to hold them. The safety of partitions during transportation of prisoners ensures that there will be no easy way for escape.

People in a confined place are known to develop behaviors which can be harmful to themselves or to others. Deaths in the prisons due to suicide and fights have been reported in the past. Some of the people in prisons are taken there due to murder and other major crimes and don't find it contributes to committing such a crime again. Anything within the partition can be used as a weapon that can injure another person, hence making a perfectly safe partition is crucial.

To avoid any kind of suicide being committed inside the prison, it is imperative for the people involved in the construction of the facility and in particular the partitions to put the use of any materials that can't be used by suicidal people to take their lives. Sharp objects, such as glass, should not be used at all. The high cost of construction is worth it.

Crucial safety measures, such as automated lockdown of partitions, should be available. It is almost impossible to have large numbers of prisoners in same facility and expect not to have chaos within that facility once in a while. Without lockdown systems, these people can easily overpower the security personnel in the facility and escape.

Prisoners in some prisons have escaped by digging through the prison walls. Most of this digging is done from their partitions, something that can be avoided by using materials which are extremely hard to dig through them. Partitions made using these materials prove it hard for anyone trying to escape through this way.

Holding prisoners in isolation when they pose danger to other prisoners can be achieved by using partitions complete with washrooms. This also ensures that fights, which normally occur in shared washrooms, are avoided. It is a way of avoiding any chances of lawsuits against the facility by family members of prisoners injured in the facility.

It is a common practice for inter-prison transfer of prisoners to happen on daily basis. This is the time prisoners take the opportunity to escape from their transport partitions. There are 309 on average escapes per year with 68% of these happenings during transportation. The reason of this high figure is the way some partitions used in the transport vehicles are made, which make it easy for prisoners to escape.

The police and prison officers involved in handling prisoners are giving a good service to the society. This job can be stressing since they are dealing with criminals who can turn against them and maim them. It is the responsibility of the government to make sure there are safe prison partitions in place to make it easy for the officers.

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