The Magna Carta Significance Today

By Roseann Hudson

In an absolute type of monarchy, the monarch, which could be a king or a queen, is exercising total control over his or her subjects. The monarch could be doing whatever he or she wants, either positive or negative ones. His or her subjects cannot do anything since no one is limiting his or her powers.

Absolute monarchical rule was followed by previous kings and queens, especially those who ruled medieval England. However, the Great Charter formulated by several feudal barons concerned of their rights was signed by King John of England which led to constitutional law being born. Human rights was also born on that event which is the Magna Carta significance today.

An individual should be taking note of numerous human rights. Everyone should be respecting these moral principles or rights. People should be aware of the following principles. However, it will all come down to respecting each other in the end.

Everyone has the right to life. Even the babies who are still inside the wombs of their mothers should live. The parents should not abort their babies nor even think about the idea. This principle also opposes wars as these wars could lead to human casualties and sufferings to people.

Individuals should not be inflicted with pain and tortured by others. Torture and force were typically used by past rulers for their political force to be asserted and this could be the same reason why force is used by other groups nowadays. However, torture can also give gratification to others which is morally wrong. This act is prohibited by international law.

A person should not be enslaving his fellowmen. In the past, an owner could have a slave if the latter was not able to pay the money he has borrowed from the former or has done him something wrong. Nowadays, international law is prohibiting the slavery of other people no matter what reason they might have.

If a certain person has committed a crime, he should be allowed a fair trial. An impartial tribunal should be judging him after weighing the gravity of his offense and if he is really guilty. The tribunal members should be seeking evidences of his guilt. On the other hand, the accused could be asking for an attorney to be defending him and hopefully setting him free from the charges pressed against him if he is not guilty of the crime.

Opinions can also be freely spoken of by people as long as their intentions are not to hurt other people. Their own opinions on whatever topics that would affect them in any way could be freely expressed. However, this right might not be absolute as their freedom is limited by several countries. In these countries, criminal charges like obscenity, slander, and libel, among others could be faced by these individuals.

A person could also be freely choosing any kind of religion he wants to be following. Today, numerous religions are existing and are possessing various beliefs and teachings. He also has the freedom of not choosing any religion if he is not believing in any of them, as well.

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