How To Completely Avoid The Sting Of Regret

By Evan Sanders

We are all dreamers down to our core.

Many have lost their way over time. Others have understand that their darkness can help them create light. But in one way or another, we are all capable of doing amazing things.

We are all capable of doing amazing things if we truly believe in ourselves for once.

Because if we don't believe in ourselves, how are you ever really expected to do something you've never done before?

You can't and you won't.

In order to acquire something you've never had, you must do all of the things you've never done. But without a strong foundation guiding you, you will always be a few steps behind of what it actually takes to make these things happen.

Combine that with a willingness to get through any and every obstacle that comes your way and you will become unstoppable.

Being absolutely terrified is part of the process.

It's a good thing if you don't let it paralyze you.

That's part of the game.

Fear is going to enter into your life every single day you go after this big dream of yours. That's part of the journey. That's meant to be there to make you prove just how bad you want something.

Even if you are absolutely terrified, do it anyways.

Do it because you know that one day it will all be worth it. Do it because it brings joy to your heart.

Do it because going through all of the growth and change will turn you into a better man or woman.

Do it...

So when you're reaching the end of your life and looking back on it all...

You can tell yourself...

"At least I tried. At least I went out there on the field of life and did everything I knew I could in order to become everything I thought I could become."

So work. Work as hard as you can so you can become everything you've ever wanted to be. Challenge yourself daily to chase your dreams and run head on into your fears. Do not wait one more moment to become everything you were meant to be.

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