Spiritual Growth Is Vital For Wellbeing

By Jerry King

A human being is body, mind and spirit. It is important for all these areas to grow. One should not take spiritual growth for granted. It gives sense and meaning to life. Life will become better once a person embraces spirituality. This is simply connecting with something bigger. There is more than what an individual can see with his eye. There is the realm of the spirit. This is unseen and intangible. One can choose to see it as something outside one's body. Alternatively, other people think that they have spirits inside them.

Food for the spirit matters. A person who feeds his soul grows. One who only feeds his body is doing a great disfavor to himself. If there is need for holistic wellbeing, an individual should feed the soul, the mind and the body. Knowledge and information help the mind to grow. However, growing spiritually is a completely different ball game.

The spirit is largely ignored. No wonder many people are living sad, meaningless lives. Happiness, satisfaction, and comfort are all in the spirit. Growing one's spirit can be through meditation. It can also be through prayers. Being part of a belief system will help with this matter. There is need to belong to something bigger that transcends all the cultures.

Life is not without its share of mystery. There are things that demand answers. One may think that he knows when the reality is that he is woefully ignorant. Understanding starts at the spirit level. The spirit helps a person to comprehend things that are beyond human understanding. Reasoning spiritually helps to unlock answers to very perplexing issues of life.

By growing in relation to spirituality, one will get valuable enlightenment. The eyes of the spirit best see some things because the physical eyes are deceiving. There are many ways to connect with the spiritual side. It all depends on a person's belief. In most cases, religion and spirituality go hand in hand. However, this is not always the case. Most religious people are spiritual.

Religion is as old as civilizations. Since the first man inhabited the world, there has always been the reverence of a Greater Being. Ancient people looked towards the mountains and the lakes for help in terms of trouble. However, modern people look inside because one's spirit is the inner self that communicates with The Divine. Christianity and Islam are the leading religions.

One can be a non-believer yet place a lot of value on issues pertaining to the spirit. It is not an issue of faith. It is more than what someone believes in. This matter is primarily about the inner self. That side that no one can see but only a person. People can only see the outside. They cannot see the soul.

Man was meant to be a spirit being. However, most humans try very much to separate themselves from their essence of being that is their spirit. Before a person was conceived and brought to this world, he existed as a spirit. With death, the body decomposes and perishes and the soul is removed and starts existing on its own.

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