Attending Readings Given By Psychic Mediums

By Edward Baker

A few very special individuals have the gift of being able to communicate with spirits. Though the methods by which they are capable of doing so, they can tap into the life force energies of living people in order to receive messages from the deceased connected to them. Psychic mediums are human conduits between the spirit world and the corporeal one.

Each medium has their own personal style of conducting their readings and every session is unique onto itself. This goes for communication techniques as well, as the spirits will deal with each intuitive in a way that is most effective for that person. Some individuals can make contact in multiple formats - at once, or singularly - while others are only open to reception through one avenue.

The main thing anyone interested in getting a reading should realize is that control of how interactive the session is is not up to the medium. They can not choose who they will communicate with, determine how long the connection will last, or guarantee answers to all questions. All of this is dependent on the spirits that choose to be present, as is the manner in which they give messages to the intuitive.

Sight is one of the many ways in which communication may be established, though some spirits may choose not to be seen. To some, this means that they "see" the individual in their own mind's eye, using motion and gestures to convey ideas. Then there are those who are capable of actually seeing ghostly, ethereal, yet physical manifestations.

Auditory input is another common form of communication with the spirit world. A medium may hear the messages in their minds, like they would a thought, or normally, as if someone were actually speaking to them aloud. The problem with this is that the words may sound glitchy, like a poor radio signal, or a spirit just may not be able to convey their thoughts clearly or effectively.

Telepathy is another form of spirit communication. In this method, they can take pictures from the individual's mind, or flashes of faces, events, or items, to try and create a message the medium can interpret. The downside is that this is frequently difficult and confusing as the symbolism is not always clear, as in a female on the beach could indicate a need to communicate to someone named Sandy.

Those who are empathetic may also experience emotional or physical sensations that are indicative of the thought or feelings the spirit is wishing to convey. For instance, making the intuitive's head hurt could mean brain trauma, and tightness in the chest could mean heart or breathing issues in life. This is frequently combined with other means of communication in an attempt to clarify the message.

Automatic writing and trances are two other possible methods by which one might establish communications with the spirit realm. This connection is unique to every individual who possess the ability, and each person will devise their own personal means of coping with the gift and the things they see. When attending a reading, one should realize that interpreting the messages is not always clear cut or easy, though the medium will do their best.

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