All About EMDR And Trauma Therapy

By Rebecca Perry

Mental disorders are unfortunately not uncommon occurrences in societies the whole world over. This has especially become exigent in modern times. They occur without the intent and volition of people, even when they least expect it. Our brains can really play tricks on us, and its only polite to return the favor. To treat trauma and other related conditions, you should bank on emdr and trauma therapy frederick md.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing can be quite a mouthful. So its only convenient to shear it down to EMDR. This one here is the go to, quintessential treatment for posttraumatic stress disorders and other kinds of distresses rooted on traumatic memories.

People who have to live with this condition obviously dont have it easy. In fact they re experience these traumatic events over and over again, through flashbacks, nightmares, uncontrollable thoughts, and niggling and constant anxiety that it may recur again. It may also affect them psychosocially in that they may avoid people, places and activities that remind them of the event or occasion, or cause them severe emotional distress, as well as act out their outbursts, irritability, and aggressiveness. Worst of all, they may suffer an unfounded feeling of guilt or shame that may egg them on in suicidal thoughts and self harm.

EMDR therapy is holistic in that it integrates information on three levels, all the way from the cognitive to the emotional and the somatic. In brief, sequential sets, the therapist asks you to remember your traumatic thoughts will guiding you to focus on some external stimulus. Therefore, it allows you to process these past experiences while grounding you to the present because of the external stimuli.

This kind of psychotherapy is evidence based, as well as practically non invasive and cost effective. That is especially comforting for persons who are already at the brink of psychological conditions. That is because they wont have to worry about pragmatisms like money and agonize over projected pain and sufferings like injections and some such.

Its also a non drug process. That, in turn, is comforting for people who arent big on side effects and such. Indeed, the side effects of EMDR are all in the mind, so to speak. Also, this is a non hypnosis procedure, that which will allow you to remain grounded and remember whatever learning and insights you have gleaned in the sessions.

This treatment option facilitates the access to and processing of traumatic memories and adverse experiences that led to the PTSD, and then bring these actualities to some adaptive resolutions. This aims to relieve affective distress, or else to reformulate negative beliefs about oneself and ones experiences. This reformulation is all about seeing things from a different lens, enabling patients to view them from another perspective.

Its worth noting that the procedure is replete with both theoretical and practical nitty gritty. The clinician starts off with selecting a particular memory to target. A psychotherapy session proceeds, in which the therapist asks various questions about the memory, all the while moving his hand back and forth in the clients field of vision, which the latter follows with his eyes. Anyhow, this tangle of somatic movements and emotional processing were said to evince considerable results on PTSD. Many researchers postulate that the reason is consonant with that of the biological mechanism of Rapid Eye Movement or REM, which occurs during sleep, enabling the client to reconstruct his or her associations of it.

However, as with everything else, perhaps this is one condition that has to get worse before it gets better. The effectiveness and reliability of EMDR is nearly unequivocal. And its undeniably important and relied upon by healthcare professionals and PTSD sufferers.

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