How Weird National Holidays Are Invented

By Susan Dawson

Many people all over the world love to have a good time. Celebrations are one of the avenues that people use to have fun. As a result of different traditions, people had marked their calendar with days to celebrate events. Some of these events are shared among many around the world while some are only shared in certain areas. Among the many celebrations that are had been formed there are some weird national holidays.

There are many days that are celebrated that are strange to others who do not share the same views. Korean alphabet, picnic, and Bermuda day are among the few strange holidays. The celebration may not be marked and be official in calendars of other countries but be recognized by its people.

There are several ways one can use to set up a strange day. One way is the application to the local government or the United Nations for that day to be formalized as a holiday. The application will only be allowed if it is not discriminatory to other people. It should not discriminate on any being on the basis of race, sex, or any other form of discrimination. Any person, group or organization, is allowed to apply. The day will only be recognized if the application is allowed.

An application can be accepted if the idea has to be supported people in the society it is being formed. Among the groups, a person can garner support from is through relatives and friends. The people who are in support should be able to defend their application where need arises. The social media are another platform that people can get support.

Depending on the nature of the celebration parties may opt for petitioning. This is especially helpful when there is resistance from other people. This method is used to convince the people who are not in support that there are other people who are for the idea. The convincing can be done through the collection of signature of people who approve and forwarding of support emails.

The simplest method a person can start their own day of celebration is making the first step. The first step is starting to celebrate then call other people to join in later. A group can mark a day and start from there onwards over the years. It is however, important to share the idea and convince others to join.

There are many reasons behind many celebrations. People have their own unique reasons and opinions which need to be respected while staring these commemoration days. People may not want to forget a certain event or people hence start these anniversaries. A simple reason behind the formation of these strange celebrations is with the intention of having a good time.

There are so many weird national holidays around the world. A person can easily find information about these strange events by looking at calendars of other region or by doing a research on the internet. These events are several and unique due to the different backgrounds of people. The strangeness should not stop people from celebrating when an event is important to them.

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