The Great Needs Of The Zimbabwe Mission

By Katrina Wheeler

The Zimbabwe mission is in dire need of help. The country is located just above Africa and just below Zambia. The country is in severe trouble. With the economy all but collapsed, most of its citizens live in extreme poverty. There are extreme food shortages.

The Zimbabwe Mission project is trying to help those in need. Their focus is especially on the many orphans. They built and operate the Heather Chimhoga Orphan Care Center. They try to provide at least two nutritious meals per day for up to a thousand orphans and preschoolers.

In addition to nutritional needs, a large portion of these particular children have either AIDS or other serious illnesses. A full-time nurse is now available to provide for many of their medical requirements. Generous donations of both medical help and medicines have helped to significantly reduce their child mortality rate. However, they can use even more help from others.

Economic and policy restrictions have both caused it to be harder to receive items donated to them. Because of this, they are working hard to try growing more locally produced food with the use of on-site gardens. They have also found a use for the moringa trees which provide needed nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, protein, and vitamin A.

They try to provide each child with the money for the required school fees that must be paid. They operate a co-op that produces the school uniforms that the children are required to wear. They also try to supply needed school supplies, and renovate buildings like the school and library. They help to drill new wells, so that the children can have fresh, clean water. They also help the local citizens in coming up with income producing projects.

As with any country suffering severe poverty, they are having a hard time getting enough funds for the things they need. Even though they have several churches that provide them with much needed food and supplies, it is sometimes quite difficult to get the items to them. They are hindered in their ability to buy and ship much needed food like beans and rice.

Various schools are trying to help by donating old school furniture and computers for their use. Many also hold clothing and/or food drives. Some focus primarily on getting the necessary personal hygiene items that are needed. Even with this help, they are in need of even more things.

Even when people donate freely to the Zimbabwe Mission, problems still arise. They must have a means of getting the donated items to them. Many of the sea shipping crates used to ship the items can cost upwards of ten thousand dollars. Sometimes things donated to them sit in storage crates because they cannot be shipped to them. Any help that anyone is able to give to help them would be very much appreciated and needed. They have many loving caregivers who work hard to give them each a better life. Sometimes it is easy to forget just how fortunate we are. Perhaps we can lend them a much needed hand by donating funds or materials to these desperate people.

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