Police Cars With A Prisoner Partition

By Leticia Jensen

In every city and town in most countries of the world, there is a police force of one form or another. Larger cities need a whole fleet of different types of vehicles to perform various duties. Some cars are fast enough for emergency responses and some are just for transporting policemen. The cars may be purchased from different manufacturers. Models of Ford, BMW and Toyota are often used. A prisoner partition is an important part of many of these vehicles.

Partitions can be placed in a police vehicle for various reasons. The most obvious perhaps is to separate the drivers of the vehicle from the person or persons whom have been collected for breaking the law. Partitions are therefore used for safety purposes, as the officers who are in the vehicle need to be protected. The barrier will ensure that no weapon can be used to harm them, and will not allow the prisoners to reach the officers in any way.

Police officers will usually search a suspect before they are put into the vehicle, but there is always the chance of them having a hidden knife or other object that could be used as a weapon. Someone who does not want to be taken to the police station may be capable of doing anything to escape from the vehicle. Partitions are therefore necessary to form a barrier between the suspect and police officers.

Partitions in a vehicle can also be used to contain dogs that are used for police work. Dogs are a very important part of the police force, as they have skills that humans just can't match. For example, their noses are sharp, so they are used to sniff out bombs, drugs or people, and they are also capable of catching someone quicker than a human. Partitions may therefore be placed so that the dogs remain in the back half of the vehicle during transit.

Some cars used by the police are modified to reach higher speeds more quickly. These are the cars that respond to incidents, and are therefore called response vehicles. They are equipped with warning lights, and will also have audible warnings so that other vehicles let them pass as quickly as possible. They could have other unique features too, like powerful firearms. There are only a few of these cars per area.

Police officers need to travel to many locations to fulfill their duties, and therefore need transport. Patrol cars are used for this purpose. Patrols are also done in vehicles these days, however, some countries are starting to put officers on the street more often so that they can interact with the community. Patrol cars are not as speedy as the response vehicles.

There are also many other types of police vehicles. There are those used for enforcing traffic laws, called traffic cars, and those that are multipurpose. Multipurpose vehicles can perform as traffic, patrol or response cars. Surveillance cars go to crime scenes for investigative purposes, and there are also anti-riot vehicles.

Anti-riot vehicles may include mini-buses, 4x4s or vans that transport prisoners. They will often have caged windows and be able to eject tear gas. Any of the above types of police vehicles mentioned may be fitted with this partition.

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