Install Paved Driveways With Help Of Asphalt Company Maryland Area

By Jaclyn Hurley

A properly installed asphaltic driveway and parking lot creates a good impression in your home and business. If you want to install quality driveways or parking lots, you can consult asphalt company Maryland area. The life expectancy of asphalt pavements is determined by the kind of materials used, and the skills applied. If well constructed, asphaltic pavements can have a life expectancy of about 25 years or even more.

The asphaltic material is composed of rock particles or the aggregate stones, the asphalt cement, and sand. This mixture can last for an extended period when laid down properly. The right mixture and compaction has to be applied to get quality structure. Newly constructed asphalt will be flexible because it retains most of the lighter hydrocarbon oils, which form part of the DNA structure of the materials.

Crushed gravel stones or aggregates make the foundation, which supports the blacktop. The foundation has to be compacted properly in order to support heavy loads. Properly constructed foundation promotes stability of the structure ensuring that it lasts for long. If the contractors lay about five to eight inches of crushed stones beneath asphaltic layer, this offers greater stability.

The life expectancy of this structure is more because it has a strong foundation. The quality of a parking lot or driveway is as good as the foundation. A weak foundation will not be able to support heavy weights. In addition, an unstable foundation will make the blacktop to shift in location. The uneven movements cause problems such as depression and upheavals.

The outer surface of asphaltic materials is vulnerable to effects of sunlight and water. The ultraviolet rays from sunlight increase the rate of oxidation meaning that the material dries up fast than intended. Usually, asphalt undergoes a natural oxidizing process that lasts its lifetime. This means that, if the process of oxidizing is accelerated, the material will age fast and fail prematurely.

Naturally, asphaltic material cures and dries slowly with time. In fact, it undergoes an oxidation process in the rest of its life. As the molecules seek for an equilibrium state, they shuffle and rearrange themselves. This process of oxidation happens in lifetime until it is complete, and this is when the life of the material ends.

When the oxidizing process is over, you have reached the end of life with the driveway or parking lot. You have to construct another one. This may take more than thirty years depending on how you have been taking care of your driveways. The newly constructed asphaltic pavements have to be coated. The coating should only be applied when the blacktop has cured properly.

You will need about 6 to 12 months before the new blacktop cures properly to allow for seal coating. If you apply a seal coat too quickly, the surface will be too flexible, and it may form highly visible marks over time. When paving the driveways, you need to put at least two coats of quality sealer and the process is repeated after every 2 to 5 years. If you take good care of your asphaltic pavement, it will definitely add character to your home or business.

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