Essentials Of Dining Rules And Etiquette Guide

By Imelda Reid

Many times you find yourself having your meals in a fine dining or a formal place where all etiquette and good manners should apply. It is for this reason that one needs to learn about the best way to carry oneself at such times. With a few basic tips on dining rules and etiquette guide, you will find yourself fit for such events and you will be able to enjoy the moments.

In most of these events, there is always an invitation. It is through this that one is able to know about what is expected. The first big thing to know is the dressing code of such events. Many of them are official and hence the dress code should remain formal. Formal dresses are good for ladies and suits are suitable for gentlemen.

On your arrival to the venue, it is important to note if there is a specific seat reserved for you. This is important to avoid inconveniencing the sitting arrangement. There is always a host of the event and the good thing to do is to wait until they sit down or usher you to sit down. It is not good to sit down before the host does. Men should pull chairs for the ladies next to them when it is a group dinner and for their spouses when it is a couple.

The tables are set with different cutlery and napkins. The first thing to do when you sit down is to pick the table napkin and place it on your lap. In case you need to leave the table for a while, excuse yourself and leave the napkin at the side plate and not on the seat or table.

From the setting on the table, one should pick the cutlery starting from the ones on the furthest end going inside. This is because the meals are served in that order. Knowing this will help you know what to use to eat the food that is being served. There is always a side plate for you to place the bones and any other food item that you do not need on your plate.

More about use of cutlery can be learned in various ways. You can get some books on such topics or you can join some classes or you can also opt for internet whereby you will learn much more about the use of the cutlery. This will make you perfect especially if you put what you learn into practice. You will be able to know how to use what has been set on the table in formal events.

There is also much to be learned about beverages and wines. In most of the tables there will be two glasses and it is important to know their uses. This can also be learned from the etiquette books or the internet. You will also get to learn about conversations and even how to eat at the table.

Formal events are part of life. This means that the right rules and regulations of handling oneself in such events are also very important. This includes table manners and dining etiquette. With such skills one will always be comfortable at any event.

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