Meet The New Babywise Blog

By Annabelle Holman

Bloggers and new parents have a new resource for information on all things baby. Known as the babywise blog, it offers new moms, dads, siblings and others a plethora of what most consider useful information. The blog covers a number of different areas and has a discussion forum with a chat link.

One new idea which has been presented on the blog is that of blog sharing. The topics allow for both owners and visitors to click into the topics and post comments. The comments section then becomes a sharing tool for a multitude of baby related blogs set up by bloggers and parents.

If there is a new suggestion or topic which does not fit within an existing section, the blog owner may be able to create one. Whether or not this is the case depends on a number of factors. If not, ask the blog owner if any other existing section may have been a better option.

There are all types of blogs. Some popular ones are those that have sections on which others can post comments and information. Whether baby, business, craft, cooking, lifestyles, religious or other, blogs are a great resource for sharing and obtaining important knowledge.

Information on parenting can be found on many different websites. The Blogosphere host many sites like this one devoted to all things baby. Unlike Babywise, others do not often offer a new schedule, contests, news, recall information and games each week. Parents can also make friends while sharing important resources and information. Whether expecting, or already having give birth, the information provided is entertaining, fun, informational, useful and varied.

Children have a way of adapting when a new baby finds the home peaceful, calm and welcoming. It is often the new parents who have more issues adjusting to new schedules, figuring out baby care when going back to work and how to deal with any pets in the home. While supervision is essential, it is also important to allow older children to give the baby love and attention

At some point and time, one or other parent may want one on one time with the new baby. It is important that both never think of this as one parent being more important than the other. Most often, a baby will grow to love both parents equally when equal love is given from birth throughout life.

Caring, cleaning, sharing, shopping, all responsibilities of both parents. When schedules are busy with home and work, it can often be beneficial to hire outside help. Whether a house cleaner, a personal shopper, sitter or other home help, it can often be worth the money.

When baby first comes home, it is important that parents keep a close eye on any other children or pets in the home. Toddlers often have lots of toys which can be thrown around the room. If so, it is important to store and supervise any play with this toys when the baby is in the room.

Most often pets only want to give love like babies so it most case any overly aggressive behavior is related to excitation and not aggression. In others, it is the difference in not understanding the difference between a newborn baby and a toy. Either way, as long as the baby is attended and pets supervised, it is less likely an incident like this will occur.

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