Human Beings Wonder Can God Hear Me

By Karina Frost

In America we are all taught to believe in a great and powerful force who created mankind and everything else around. Sometimes each individual wonders can God hear me on a daily basis. These wishful humans look around the planet and see all of the injustice and cruelty that has been going on for decades. Sometimes they will get down on their knees and pray for a better world.

Poverty is the one disease that has never been defeated within this world. Each and every day more and more people are losing their homes and jobs because of certain economic problems. Wealthy people do not even care about these individuals and they tend to ignore the ones who are begging for help.

I am the type of person who will often stop and give this sad human being a few dollars out of my pocket. Other individuals will just ignore them and keep driving as if they did not exist. Sometimes I will find myself praying for these people and wonder if a great force within the universe will listen to my pleas. Unfortunately my prayers are never answered since this problem still exists.

Anyone who is living in America knows that a talented person can pray all the time and never become famous. Unfortunately it has been decided that all of these singers, dancers, writers and actors will take a back seat to people who are already rich. Famous people often come from a long line of other famous individuals. Nepotism runs strong within the United States.

The rest of us poor unfortunate souls will have to continue to struggle to make our dreams come true. In many cases we give up the dream and try to locate an ordinary job like so many other individuals. In time people realize that they can pray and wish for things but nothing will ever happen. The great Lord above does not listen to mere mortals if he/she does exist.

Unfortunately anyone who is born as a gay black male should never hope for anything good to happen. These guys are always the target in society and they are the less desired human beings on this planet. There are other human beings that will also be ignored by the good wealthy Christians of this world but they are in a different category.

It seems as though this high and mighty power is only interested in helping people who display the correct color and sexual orientation. All other people are left on their own to obtain success. If an individual with influence does not like a person they can assassinate their character on every level. Sometimes it is very difficult to behave good when everything you receive is bad.

I have always been a strong willed person and do not need to rely on any invisible being for assistance. Each human living within this world has to learn how to be strong and fend for themselves. Unfortunately the great power above may have deaf ears when it comes to hearing prayers.

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