Racism In White Privilege Sports

By Leslie Ball

Diversity is something that is still very hard to achieve these days. Racial discrimination is still rampant these days. Oppression is still in the atmosphere in most nations and considerably, around the world. It cannot be denied that people are still classified according to their respective colors.

The whites are considered dominant for many years. But that is simply because of their color and appearance. This unfair dominance is causing a lot of divisions among races. White privilege sports is an example of this irrational and unfair dominance. In the workplace, in school premises, business establishments or anywhere else, there exists a social indifference to other colors and races.

White privilege screams utter racism and those who believe in the concept are considered as racists. The believe that they dominate all aspects in the society including education, work, events, and institutions. Those who believe in inclusion, on the other hand, discards racism and takes into account quality and acceptance of differences.

There is no way the world will be able to attain equality and diversity if people will not make way to accepting each of their differences. There are so many stereotypes in this world who think that color, race, and culture matter so much. Those who belong to minority groups are treated with so much indifference.

Sports events are now welcoming blacks and Asians and even those belonging to cultural minorities. In the NBA, many Black Americans have been hailed as Most Valuable Player. They are actually more dominant in the game because of their stealth, size, and endurance in the game. But there is no such thing as black privilege even if the president now is a Black American.

This term is like a brush that paints honor, privilege, and position with white. Some stereotypes are making this a standard even if it should not be. They are somehow making it a general rule or a generic.

The term divides people and it creates a sociocultural wall that keeps people who belong to different races away from the wall. In a workplace setting, for example, productivity will not be achieved greatly because others do not feel like participating or cooperating. If they feel like there is a wall that divides them from the so called dominant whites, their performance will be affected.

Bullying still happens in schools. Most disputes root from children or juveniles mocking each other because of their differences. Most of the time, the black children are being bullied by whites. Some Asians also experience this cruelty. They either get verbally abused, beaten and injured, or killed in the process.

The government as well as private and public organizations must do more to mitigate the problem. Their efforts to make people aware of the situation is not enough. Also, individuals play a vital role in making diversity programs a success. They need to learn to accept and be human to say the least.

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