The Unique Challenge That Faces Dreamers

By Evan Sanders

There's a unique challenge that faces dreamers.

The thing that makes dreamers and goal seekers so unique is their ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary and what is possible for themselves and the world. The concept of living a mediocre life is just about as good as death for them and they feel the deep desire inside of them to go against the grain. Time and time again they travel upstream against the massive forces of society to see something that only exists in their mind.

Dreamers face a decision: slow down to the pace of those people who aren't walking at their speed or to venture on and let people catch up later down the line.

There is another unique challenge that dreamers face. Every single time someone in this world tries to bring something new and unique into it society tries to rip them apart as best as they can. They rip an tear at those who see something different and will do anything to try to bring them down.

But the elemental question still applies for people that are steaming ahead to create a grand future for everyone else, "Do I continue on regardless of the feedback or do I conform with the mass majority?"

There's only one decision to be made.

Dreamers must create because it is built into their blood. They must do what they think is right because they know what is possible for them and for others. The thought of taking their dream to the grave and not having at least given it a shot is terrifying to them. They know that they have to forge ahead through all of the fear, doubt, and worry to feel fulfilled in life.

The criticism will come, naturally, but that is just part of the game.

No matter what though, continue to move ahead. Continue to pave the way for other people who cannot see the light. One day they will thank you.

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