Let Go Of Who You Think You Should Be

By Evan Sanders

Whatever you think you have to become, let go of it.

Letting go of the person you think you should be allows you to become the person you were meant to be. The world we live in today presents constant images and stories of how we should act and live, but in reality, these concocted stories don't provide you with much value. It's in the listen to your heart and who you know you are deep down inside that really matters.

Forget all of the "should be" nonsense and start listening to your gut.

Be an outlier. Is that hard? Of course. But the path and journey are completely worth it. What you can expect however is that there will be a significant amount of criticism, commentary, and concern about what you are doing with your life. If you understand that being under the microscope is part of chasing your dreams then you will be more than ready to face all of the heat.

You have to be willing to risk.

When chasing dreams, there's going to be every single challenge in the world coming your way. You're truly traveling into the land of the unknown so predicting what's going to come up on your path is practically impossible. But if you really want it bad enough, you're going to have to step up and face every single challenge with courage and determination.

Chase your dreams because they are your passions. Chase them because they make your heart light up when you talk about them. Dreams will never send you in the wrong direction, and in fact, they may actually save your life. The only thing you really have to understand is that there's a whole lot of pressure to handle when you are chasing your dreams into the land of the unknown, and if you're willing to suffer through that, you can do anything.

Never let anyone else's opinion of you define how you live your life. Chase your dreams if you want to. Be the man or woman you want to be and make sure that you are adding value to the world. We have had enough of people who are constantly taking from the world, now it's time for a new breed of dreamer.

Of course it might not work out, but what if it really does? What if everything you've ever dreamed of comes true? Wouldn't that just be incredible?

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