Alternative Earthcare: Common Questions About Poison Ivy

By David Kellan

Poison ivy is one of the more unfortunate creations of nature, particularly if you come into contact with it. Many people know it as the plant that leaves unsightly rashes, but this is more or less the tip of the much bigger iceberg. Alternative Earthcare will agree, especially with the experience that such companies have had with poison ivy. If you'd like to learn more, here are some of the most common questions that have been asked.

"Why do we develop rashes in the first place?" We all know what the main symptom of poison ivy is, but what we may not know is how it develops. For the uninitiated, this plant - not to mention a few others - has what's called urushiol oil. This substance is found on the stems and leaves of poison oak, and to say that the human skin is sensitive to it would be an understatement. To prevent rashes from spreading, soap and water must be used as soon as possible.

"How long does this rash exist?" The aforementioned rash - in addition to other poison ivy symptoms such as blisters and bumpiness on the skin - does not last terribly long in most cases. As a matter of fact, it's not uncommon for these symptoms to disappear in a week or two. However, more extreme cases have been known to crop up, as companies like Alternative Earthcare will tell you. This is where east end tick control specialists will tell you to seek medical attention.

"Do you become less susceptible to poison ivy exposure with time?" There's no evidence that says that the human body becomes less susceptible to the symptoms of poison ivy. In fact, if you continually come into contact with this plant, the aforementioned symptoms stand the chance of worsening. This is why it's your responsibility to be aware of your surroundings. Wear the right clothing as well so that less skin becomes exposed to poison oak.

Hopefully now you have a better understanding of poison ivy and what it's all about. While it goes without saying, it's more than just a plant that leaves rashes in its wake. In order to keep your lawn from sprouting such plants, it would be in your best interest to consult a tick control company. After all, not only does such a company have experience with eliminating pests but the fact that it can prevent poison ivy growth must not be overlooked.

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