Postpartum Depression Treatment And Counseling Houston Texas

By James Stone

Are you a new mom looking for help in adjusting to your new, stressful situation? Feeling unsure of your skills at caring for a newborn? Sad? Weepy? This article will provide some tips and guidance on the topic Postpartum Depression Treatment and Counseling Houston Texas.

Medication and therapy all have their place, and I know that many patients have gained benefit from medication, but I would also point out that there are problems of side effects such as weight gain and reduced sex drive which tend to have a boomerang effect on this type of despair healing. Treatments for melancholy have for far too long been the prerogative of the pharmaceutical companies, and a broader more intelligent approach has always been shunned.

When this gloominess lasts for an extended time, it is referred to as postpartum gloominess and requires a detailed healing. Some of the common symptoms associated with this condition are feeling sad, being constantly fatigued, or having eating problems, sleep issues, anxiety, and irritability. Some women recover from baby blues immediately in within a week's time with or without the help of some therapy. Others need professional handling.

Postpartum melancholy usually goes undetected and undiagnosed. Effective handling requires early identification and adequate diagnosis. The first step in alleviating this condition is acknowledging the symptoms. Mothers with this condition may feel that they are bad mothers and are hesitant to seek help. Mild forms of postpartum dejection are treated with the help of just therapy and support from family. Women with a moderate and severe form of melancholy may need both therapy and medications.

Fulfilling Work: It has been well documented how important, fulfilling work (whether paid or voluntary) is to one's mental health. It was quite surprising, however, that those with despair rated it above medication for example. I know from interviewing over 6000 people during my 12 years working in recruitment that a huge percentage of people aren't engaged in their work and don't enjoy it.

The power of positive thinking is not just a slogan from the 1970s. Trying to limit negative feelings and thoughts because they will suck you into a dark tunnel. Jot down all the negative things you are thinking. You can put them on one side of the page. Then try to think of positive things which you know about, people you like, and activities you can look forward to and so on.

Hormone treatments may be an option for a swift recovery though their effectiveness may be limited. Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT helps in understanding things. Emotional support helps in solving problems and in setting and achieving goals. Focusing on the short-term goals which can be achieved rather than thinking about long-term goals may also help relieve feelings of inadequacy as well as self-critical talk.

Many people benefit greatly from books, community groups, church support groups, online communities and other avenues of self-help approaches that target various issues associated with depression. Self-help approaches can be extremely positive and help a struggling person find personal balance and healing sometimes without additional assistance.

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