Student Anxiety Can Be Alleviated With Applied Positive Psychology

By Gregory Myers

It is easy to see that the future of our country lies in the hands of the youth. However, this can be hard to accept when you find out that so many students are spending their time stressing unnecessarily, and bringing about anxiety. The time they spend in college is meant to be a joyful experience and not one that is filled with sorrow. Help in the form of applied positive psychology becomes a survival necessity.

If you are a student in college, there are a few things that you can do to help ease certain issues. The main one being anxiety. A common habit that the youth have is to eat at unbalanced periods. Because exam and assignment deadlines are becoming a bit much, they tend to rather nibble on whatever is in-front of them instead of eating a full and healthy meal. By changing what you consume, you will immediately see a change in how you feel.

Social media is the biggest attraction and these days, if you don't have it, it is easy to look down on you. The internet allows for many access points and for students specifically, you can study and also keep in touch with everyone at the same time. The downfall to this is that when you spend too much time on it, you can easily become zombie-like and depending on what you see online, you can easily start to feel a sense of depression.

The tendency is that if you feel anxious, you will question everything that you need to do. It is a sense of paranoia that takes over your mind and body. The best way to combat this is to just go ahead and do it. You will find that you immediately feel a sense of relief. And once it is over, there was no reason to stress in the first place.

A great exercise is to learn is how to control breathing. When you do this, you are basically taking a step back and telling yourself to calm down and relax. It's almost like a mantra that you can use in situations to get your mind and your body to become one again. This is not a bad idea to learn with other people who are going through similar circumstances.

The other option is to speak to your doctor. Most people take this route when everything else that they tried doesn't work. It is not a bad step however, it means that they will expect you to see a psychologist. And when this happens, you may have to be on some type of treatment, which isn't great if you are not an extreme case.

Sometimes, it may feel as though it is an extreme case but it really isn't. It is important to follow the basic steps first and if they work, it means that you can control it. Try this before heading to the GP.

Unfortunately, this is not something that you can control from the start. Once you start stressing, you can easily bring it to life. The important part is how you handle it once you recognize the problem.

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