Prophecies About Jesus In The Old Testament

By Dorothy Stone

There is a great deal of controversy about the presence of Christ in the Old Testament. In fact, some have suggested there are over 400 Prophecies about jesus. Whereas, there are others whom believe it is possible to prove that at least fifty five have been proven to have come to pass elsewhere in the Bible.

Like with palm and card readers, there still remains a great deal of disbelief, especially when it comes to the Bible. For, first an individual must believe the writings in the Old Testament are true and correct based on an actual timeline of events. Whereas, Christians often believe by faith alone that the New Testament gospels relay the actual actions and messages of Jesus Christ.

Over time, there have been professors, scholars and theologians whom have attempted to prove the odds that Christ could have fulfilled over four hundred prophecies, those odds being over 1.5 million has caused a great deal of disbelief and skepticism even among the most scholarly individuals. As such, while there have been approximately fifty five which most Christian theologians believe to have come to pass, that number is far less than the four hundred others believe to be the case.

While this is the case, there are still many Christians whom believe that Jesus has indeed fulfilled a number, if not all the prophecies provided in the Old Testament. Needless to say, before anyone can confirm such findings, there has to be a great deal of belief and faith that the information provided in the Bible refers to a historical timeline.

While it is possible to see the correlation between some predictions which have been fulfilled, others remain questionable. There are actually only a few of these predictions which scholars have been able to prove. The first being, that the Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah, 1 of the 12 tribes of Israel as portrayed in Genesis 49:10.

Amazingly, a thousand five hundred years later in New Testament writings, there appears to be proof that the mortal Jesus came from the tribe of Judah as had been predicted in Genesis. Whereas, one of the most important predictions which Christians believe is that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David as provided in Jeremiah 23:5 and Psalms 132:11.

While these two which are believed to have been fulfilled lead into many other prophecies, it is these which Jews and Gentiles believe have been proven over time. For, while some Jews believe Christ to be the Messiah spoken of in these prophecies, others do not. While most Christians believe, that when the Bible speaks of a Messiah or Jesus Christ, two are one in the same. Whereas, those of Orthodox Jewish belief tend to see the two as separate and apart from one another.

To better understand Biblical time and associated prophecies, it is often recommended that individuals seek out knowledge in a number of publications related to the history of the time. In doing so, individuals can then determine whether predictions in the Old Testament have been fulfilled based on an actual timeline of history along with, if and when necessary, faith.

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