When You Rehabilitate Criminals You Give Them Hope And Security In Their New Life

By Marla Mills

Crime offenders are not made to permanently live as criminals, and there is a huge probability that they can still change and live a constructive life. By taking a positive move to rehabilitate criminals, you are restoring meaningful life to the persons. Rehabilitation can change the thinking, perception, feeling, and inner-self of a criminal. These offenders can change and contribute positively to themselves, and society at large.

Many families have been destroyed as people committing crimes are subjected to justice system. Although victims of crime need to get justice by ensuring that the offenders are punished for the offenses, on the other hand, the system may not change the criminal to be a better person. Justice system may not consider the after-life of the criminal following the jail term.

People change from worse to better, and this can happen to criminals. Even after serving jail term, criminal characters should not just be released to society, but taken through an intensive rehabilitation program. From these rehab institutions, they can realize their inner-self and the purpose they have life.

Although it is advocated that when a person commits a crime, he or she should have a fair judgment and punished for the offense, this may not stop the person from committing crimes in future. Punishment sounds good and helps the offenders recognize what they did was actually wrong. However, many crimes are committed under the influence of drugs and not in a clear-headed mental state.

These persons could end up committing more crimes. Considering that at times, people engage in crimes due to effects of drugs, if they can transformed to live without drugs, then they could perhaps realize their goal and stop engaging in crimes. Rehabilitation of criminals gives them a second chance where they change and live a better life. They are able to discover that they cannot continue living a false life.

If they do not transform and stop using drugs, they may continue committing crimes when they are freed from jail. These people need to understand and discover their goals, and what life holds for them. With rehabilitation, offenders are given a second chance, and they can transform and live positively.

That misconception and denial by society creates a barrier between the offenders and the society. If the community knows that crime offers have been rehabilitated, then it can easily accept these people back. The society can help them cope with their new life and responsibilities. They need support from the community to cope with the new life and continue to discover their goals and purpose in life.

The barrier created between the community and the crime offenders could be eradicated or bridged through the rehab programs. The main aim of rehabilitating people is to prevent them from becoming habitual offenders. This is a condition referred to as recidivism. It is of great importance to rehabilitate criminals, and get rid of the bad behavior as well as instill hope, trust, confidence, and positive feeling within those people.

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