Gel Water Beads Are In A Lot Of Products

By Alyce Powell

People often do not think about how some things are made or what is inside some of the things they use everyday. While this is true, there are certain things that you can't help but wonder how or why they work the way they do. One of the products that is usually in the middle of such questions are gel water beads. They are in so many products these days.

These beads were initially used in a variety of ways and most all of them are still being used today. One of the biggest ways that the consumer public would be familiar with is in baby diapers. The little round beads start off as a plastic feeling and very small circular ball. But when they come into contact with water they grow to eleven times their size. Sometimes larger.

The things were made from a super absorbent polymer and they are really absorbent. The old way that diapers were manufactured called for cotton and other such products to be stuffed in the lining and when it came into contact with liquid that cotton would grow about 5 times its mass. However great that was at the time, they were not that solid.

The most popular ways and probably the most lucrative has been in home products. Things like diapers, toys (things that grow in water), and also fire retardant materials. There is almost nothing that has to do with water absorption or similar functions that does not have something to do with these materials. They have become very popular.

They are also used in gardening too. Basically anything that has to do with storing liquids or sucking it up. The various uses are amazing when you come to think about it. Look at diapers for example. Before these gels diapers could only hold about 5 times their weight in liquids. Today, because of these products they can hold a little more than eleven times their weight in liquids.

The rate that these things work is amazing. They have almost revolutionized entire industries. The agriculture industry was doing fine, but because of these polymers new products have come out that have actually made things better for certain farmers and in some cases even saved some farms during droughts.

At nearly 11 times their mass in absorption the beads worked better than anything ever has. They made the entire industry notice and the changes made within it as well. After seeing how well they worked new and improved products started turning up everywhere. Manufacturers that made all sorts of things started to try them in a variety of products.

Gel water beads not only saved one industry but they saved many. Even industries that did not yet exist were able to benefit from these materials. The space industry even uses them to store and absorb liquids in a weightless environment. There are so many uses for these things that all of them have yet to be invented or discovered. We will just have to wait and see what comes next.

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