Saving Your Relationship During A Mercury Retrograde

By Lou Raedwulfe

Welcome to Mercury the Messenger's backward transit through the heavens as it jolts us all especially in the communications department. Yes, it is Mercury retrograde. There are some things you can do to minimize its impact and being forewarned is forearmed. Things will begin to go smoother during the first week of Sept.

When Mercury is in its retrograde motion, you can expect some frustration, especially when it comes to communicating effectively. There can be delays in travel, misunderstandings of all types, and endings in relationships be it personal or career.

These past couple of weeks have been a good example of Mercury's impact on communication as the Congress tried to work on our country's national financial problems. I suspect they will be revisiting this issue again before the year is over. The signing of any legal documents during a Mercury Retrograde will most certainly cause issues in the not-so-distant future.

Where we, as individuals, notice its impact the most is in our relationships with family and friends. It is very important during this time to think before you speak and also to really listen to what is being said to you. If you'll slow your thinking down a bit, and take some deep breaths, this will give you a chance to review what has been said.

Our relationships can become unstable during a Mercury Retrograde causing our relationships to become stressed out with lots of friction and misunderstandings. Communication break-downs are common-place during this period as we may not hear what is being sent from others or may misinterpret what others say to us and vice-versa. It clearly is not the time to begin a new relationship or try and work things out in an on-going one. Better to play the waiting game for a while.

If love is clearly shared between you and your partner, you may wonder how you suddenly got into an argument. Where did this come from? How did we get here? You can blame Mercury when this happens. A normally solid relationship can survive this time period as long as you make a mental note that 'this, too, shall pass', because it will.

Remember that communicating with electronic devices, such as texts, emails, twittering and Facebook type sites can really go haywire. Really stop to think what it is you wish to communicate, so that other people do not take your words the wrong way. This is very typical during this time period.

If you can muster the courage, try to put off any really important issues until this time passes as this would be a very smart thing to do. It is also best to talk things out, if you have to, when you are in the presence of the other person or people to avoid electronic transmission difficulties.

5 things to remember to keep on track in your relationships during retrogrades:

1. Try to have face-to-face discussions

2. Discuss things after the retrograde

3. Think before you speak as reality can be distorted

4. Dot your t's and cross your i's when using electronic devices and emails

5. Be proactive; emotions can get out of control

Mercury will begin its forward journey in early Fall, so, try to remain calm and resolve important things after this time period when you will be back to 'normal'. Take a deep breath and wait for when things will be much calmer after Mercury retrograde.

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