Horseback Trails In The Wilderness Or The City Park

By Cornelia White

There are many places for the horse lover to ride. She can start in a fenced-in ring or an indoor arena. However, the freedom of horseback trails will allow her to enjoy the beauty of nature all around.

Organized trail rides are available for individuals who do not own their own horse. A guide will lead them through unfamiliar territory. Along the way, stories of the area can be told.

One kind of tour combines an overnight camping trip with the ride. The group will travel light, carrying only their food and sleeping bags. Sleeping under the stars after hours on horseback is a novel experience.

Each member of the group must be a competent horseman since this can be referred to as roughing it. After a day riding amidst the wonders of nature, you will sleep overnight in a wooded area.

An interesting tour in the South takes participants through the woods where the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. Actors may present an authentic Civil War Re-enactment. Children will be thrilled to see this historic event played out before their eyes.

Wooded trails alternate between light and shaded areas where trees shut out the sun. For one who wants to experience riding as the cowboys did, there is a tour for that. Learn about the cowboy life, herding them to market. He slept under the stars each night.

A beginning rider can go on a tour conducted especially for him. The horses walk at a leisurely pace. Along the way, the guide can talk about how to guide the animal.

Children and adults will be instructed on how to use the reins to signal the horse. Using your left hand to hold them, you can tell the horse to turn. Pulling back on them signals the horse to stop.

Medium level riders enjoy a trek on which the mount walks and trots. It is still possible to enjoy the countryside at this pace, although it is more challenging. The participant must be able to control the movements of the horse.

For the advanced equestrian, the trail ride will include all three gaits, walking, trotting and cantering. A person must demonstrate ability to control the horse and answer questions about his experience.

It is a mistake to think the only open trails are located far away. There are equestrian paths in many large cities. Find them in city parks and state parks. Trees and flowers grow along the path. Variety depends on what part of the country you live in.

In states such as Colorado, there are challenging mountain trails for the skilled horseman. There may be a creek to cross and a steep slope to climb. In autumn the changing colors of the surroundings are a glorious addition to a pleasure trip.

Enjoy a variety of horseback trails, whether through the city park in New York, or the isolated ones in the wide-open spaces of Wyoming. Each one is a new equine adventure to take with the fantastic mode of transportation, the horse.

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