Tips In Choosing To Be A Substance Abuse Counselor

By Eugenia Dickerson

Opium, had been abused by most addicts for centuries. But now, drug abuse had been evolved and people are now using various types of substances such as ecstasy, lithium or even rubber cement. Alcohol, though it is not illegal even if abused, but too much intake of it could be considered an addiction. Before, only adults are abusing such substances, but now, even children as early as eight years old are already taking these commonly abused medicines. And they can be only guided by a substance abuse counselor pasadena.

People like them are dedicating themselves to help individuals who wanted to be cured from their addiction. They are the people who are willing to listen from various of stories from the victims and what caused them to step on to the wrong path. They can be observed in rehabilitation compounds and public hospitals to visit those who needs psychological assistance.

And now you might be curious on how to be one of them. Well to start, you must find yourself self assessment tests, this is for you to know if you are capable of helping them or to be one of those addicts. Think of your own sake, you must answer with full honesty, after all if you will cheat, you will just fool yourself. If you cannot help cheating then ask for an assistance from a counselor or someone older.

Then if you pass, check the licensing requirements from you region or state. Make sure that you will be looking on how to get a certification for substance abuse counselor because it is merely different from drugs abuse and gambling. You may search the requirement from the internet if your government state has a website or better call.

You have to make sure that you yourself is not abusive in any means. If you are a heavy drinker of alcohol, then you might back out as early as now for you may be qualified technically but morally speaking you are not. It is better that you will give way to others who are more deserving.

Make sure that you have a clean criminal records. If you have criminal records, even if you have changed morally and spiritually, the paper will still be considered s legitimate. And so no matter if you already took social works as your degree but you have a record, you might not get a license because of it.

You must be a graduate of any degree that can be associated with it. Most people who already got this job are graduates of psychology, sociology and social works. You must choose one of them because these degrees offers a curriculum that meets the standard for counseling licensure. Those who are not graduate on the same field are always having a hard quick to get their license.

You may experience the internship while you are studying. But internship is just an introduction on what you are going to face in the real world and so you must fulfill a post graduate training in order to be a certified counselor.

To be a substance abuse counselor pasadena you still have to pass many processes. This is because you will be the one to guide the future of those abusives. Anything wrong that you will do or say could change their lives.

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