Buy The Book On Becoming Babywise

By Marci Glover

In the past new parents had a built in support system, with family and friends close by to help them. The modern world is very different. Most people live far away from their family and cannot count on help. Instead of turning to their own parents for advise, most modern parents turn to a book or the internet to answer their questions.

Over the years there have been a number of books specifically written for new parents. One of the most famous was Dr Spock. He advised parents not to give in to the demands of a crying baby. Over the past few decades attachment parenting has become popular with babies co sleeping with parents and being fed on demand. On Becoming Babywise is a book that presents a more flexible approach that will appeal to many parents and help to get their infants onto a schedule.

The book was authored by Theologian Gary Ezzo and pediatrician Robert Bucknam. They felt that it was quite possible to get young babies onto a clear feeding and sleeping schedule starting when they were only a few weeks old. This will ensure a good nights sleep for the parents and a happy and harmonious household.

The book does a great job of explaining not only the short term goals but also the long term goals. Having structure within the family is crucial. It not only helps the parents, but also the children. The authors, pediatrician Robert Bucknam and Theologian Gary Ezzo, feel that routines need to be established early on in life lead to better adjusted children who can cope well with the demands of life.

The Babywise book is divided into twelve chapters that are easy to read. In fact, many parents report reading the entire book in one sitting. They can see immediately the wisdom and common sense of the approach. It moves them through the stages easily and without fuss. The entire process is delivered in a no nonsense and calm manner.

Most parents have given the book a very good review. They have often mentioned how simple it was to get their baby onto a program, once they realized how to follow the steps. The baby responded well to the approach and by the age of eight to ten weeks they were sleeping through the night and waking happy and rested.

Good feeding and sleeping habits are crucial to proper growth. Both parents and babies will suffer if there long term problems with both of these fundamental aspects of life. Often establishing the routine is easier than the parents expected and they are thrilled to have a happy contented baby and a good nights sleep.

The Babywise method is very valuable for those who do not have their own parents nearby to help them. In today's busy world families are often living hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. The traditional parenting networks have broken down and this book helps to fill a serious void.

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