For Quick Bail Bonds Orlando Bondsmen Are Tops

By Mattie MacDonald

The possibility of being arrested probably never occurs to most people. This happens, however. Lots of people that lead ordinary lives land up in situations that they have either not foreseen or that are the result of errors of judgment. Being arrested can be extremely embarrassing and the consequences can be far reaching. Luckily, with bail bonds Orlando residents are able to go free from incarceration until their cases can be heard at a later stage.

It is not practical or fair to keep people that were arrested incarcerated until their cases can be heard in court. In the majority of cases, arrested people are therefore allowed to go free, provided they agree to keep the conditions stipulated by the court. A surety has to be paid before the person concerned can be released, however. If the conditions set by the court are breached, the surety will be forfeited.

In some cases the court will not agree to release the accused until the case is heard. Being accused of certain serious crimes such as murder and rape often means that the accused will have to remain in custody. Repeat offenders are also often kept in custody. If the court is of the opinion that the accused can pose a danger to other people, he may also refuse to release him.

People that were arrested often do not have the cash that is necessary to secure their release. In such cases the services of bondmen may be useful. Bondsmen specialize in providing cash loans to those that must pay a surety to the court. The accused will have to enter into written contract with the bondman and he will have to pay a fee of approximately ten per cent of the loan amount.

Failure to adhere to the release conditions can lead to dire consequences. The accused will almost certainly be arrested again and release will not be considered for a second time. In the same vein the accused must make sure that he honors the agreement with the bondsman. If he does not do so the bondman will have the right to attach the assets of the accused.

Critics are of the opinion that the system whereby accused are released on payment of a deposit is counter productive. They say that many released people simply return to a life of crime. However, the justice system simply cannot afford to keep every accused person locked up. The interlude from the date of arrest to the actual court date may be months or even years.

Critics should keep in mind that the constitution stipulates that every accused person remains innocent in the eyes of the law until they are found guilty by a court of law. Numerous cases are dismissed out of hand and a large percentage of arrested people pose no danger to society. It would be unfair, illegal even, to keep them in custody for long periods without a trial.

An arrest can be a terrifying experience. The first priority after such a calamity is to appoint a lawyer and to apply for bail. A lawyer can help to streamline the case and can normally ensure release within a few hours. Once released, it is imperative to adhere to the conditions of release.

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