Education On How To Talk To Teens About Sex And Sexuality

By Lucia Weeks

Teens would learn stuff on sex whether parents talk to them about it or not. How to talk to teens about sex can be an issue for parents who are not comfortable with the subject. Teenagers learn sex issues at school and from their peers, and so if parents fail to give them the right information, they would take whatever they get from outside the home. It is the responsibility of parents to shape the beliefs of their young ones, even on sex matters.

Talking to teenagers on sex should not be a one-time event, but rather a progressive process. The sex conversation should be structured in such a way that it fits into everyday life. The conversations should be short, but done often. This would help remind teens why they have been taught about sex.

You need to prepare before talking to teens about sex. Read the subject, and get more information, and get answers to your own questions before talking to your teen. There are age-appropriate books on sex for parents. You can also practice what you want to discuss with your spouse or partner. This will make it easier to get over any embarrassment when the time comes to talk with your teen.

The sex education for teens can begin with basic topics. Such as the male and female reproduction systems. The parent can then go ahead to explain issues on sexual intercourse and associated consequences such as pregnancy STDs and the emotional consequences. The parent can also take time to explain the effects drugs and alcohol have on sexual decisions. Parents should be able to seize the right opportunity to raise the topic on sex with teenagers. The discussion can be started anytime, like when watching television, in at grocery shopping or when washing dishes together. It is important to choose a moment that the teen is likely to be paying more attention.

Parents need to be very honest when explaining sex issues to teens. They should open up and answer all their questions without any ambiguity. When parents are in doubt as to answers to particular questions, they need to let the teenagers know and offer to get the answers later.

The information given to teens on sex has to be very accurate. When in doubt, it is important to explain to the teenagers. If the wrong information is given, they would get other contradictory information that would leave them even more confused. The parent should also explain the issues based on their own beliefs. Attempts should not be made to scare these young ones from sex as this would not work for long.

The talk on sex should be in the form of a discussion where teens can have the opportunities of asking questions and also express their views. This way, they will learn better. Trying to lecture them may not be the best option, because the parent cannot be sure the teen is listening.

It is important to select an approach that would work when talking to teenagers about sex. The approach for girls has to be different from boys, and likewise for different age groups. A parent can also get materials and leave them in the room of the teens where they can easily see.

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