Psychic Kids: One May Be Living In Your House

By Ufred Allen

Kids can say the craziest things sometimes. However, what if they say something to you that is off the wall and yet you sort of have a hunch that it's actually the truth? Many kids today are growing up psychic and not fully understanding their spiritual gift. It is becoming perfectly natural for a child to say that they can see into the past, present and future. Many parents are asking themselves if their children can really see into the past, present and future. This can be scary for parents because many psychologists will tell you that your child has schizophrenia or some type of other mental disorder. It is important to get multiple opinions if this happens.

Many adults today say that they got their clairvoyant gift from childhood. Legendary prophets like Edgar Cayce says that he remembers being psychic since around the age of 5. Many other celebrity psychics say that they were able to communicate with the dead long before others were able to see that they had a connection. Who do you believe and why? Connecting with the dead means that you can speak to those that you normally want to leave left buried. However, many kids today are telling their parents that they "see dead people".

Kids that can connect with those that have crossed over have a special talent. They can see and hear from the other side. Most people today cannot say that they hear from the departed. It is wise to encourage kids to use the gifts that God has given to them. It can be scary at first to use these gifts. However, over time, you will come to accept the fact that your child can see into the past, present and future. Many children today believe that they have a special talent for seeing into the universe. The energy that is around people is highly unique and powerful.

The more that you understand your child's gift, the more you will be able to see that your child has something to offer the world. Many mediums say that they began seeing spirits as children. They were often afraid of them at first and then later on, they saw them as something not to be afraid of. They saw them as wanting to communicate with the living. Many children today can pick up on factual information that they would not know otherwise. There is a show on the air today called Psychic Kids. The show has a lot of examples of kids that speak to the dead.

If your child can help someone with their gift, it is a blessing. Many kids today say that they can see into the past, present and future. They often are not getting these ideas from watching a Harry Potter movie. Instead, they are hearing actual voices from spirits that are trying to communicate messages to the living. It takes time to listen to a departed spirit. Don't be afraid of your child's gift. Instead, see it as a blessing that can be of help to people once the gift has been developed.

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