Tithing Is Not Always Financially Rewarding

By Jill Hamfields

Many religions teach that a person should give 10% of their wealth to the church. Is this ancient practice still worth following today? According to millions of clergy worldwide, it is necessary to tithe because God will protect and watch over your finances if you do. People that do not tithe are said to have no protection over their finances. Howe do we tithe if we have lots of bills to pay and very little money coming in? It can be devastating for many families to go through having no money coming in. Tithing is supposed to not allow that to happen to you.

In the Old Testament, it is said that God told Abraham to tithe 10% of all that he owned. In return, God said that he would pour out a blessing for him and bless his home with many blessings. He would receive so many blessings that he would not have enough room to count them all. However, many Christians that tithe say that it doesn't work. Many Christians say that when they tithe, their finances often get worse or nothing out of the ordinary happens. However, you have other Christians that say they are wealthy because of tithing? What do you believe and why? There seems to be a different response to spiritual tithing.

God often shows us that we have more than we think. He begins to open doors for us when we feel like all hope has been lost. I am the kind of person that likes to give. If I don't have money, I like to hold onto what I have. However, the Bible teaches the opposite. If you read the passage in the New Testament that says a woman poured an expensive bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet, you will see that she was poor. The apostles thought that she did something wrong and that it could have been sold for money to give to the poor. However, Jesus said that the woman had such strong faith.

Poor people that tithe seem to be rich in faith. They tend to trust God a lot more when things are going bad in their life. Their faith often brings them to new recognition. Many poor people often feel like their lives are tough to deal with because they have little money coming in. However, the Bible is clear in the fact that it God opens doors that nobody else can shut. Life is often difficult for most people to look at for various reasons. If you are like me, you probably have a lot of questions about tithing. However, you must walk in faith and allow God to open doors for you that nobody else can shut.

If you learn how to trust in God, giving him 10% of your wealth is necessary. God wants to see where your heart is. If your heart is for God, you will want to obey his laws and commandments. Even Jesus himself tithed and told the apostles to give God what is his. Throughout the Old Testament, all of the Israelites tithed. Everyone from Abraham to Job tithed. If you want more faith or a new beginning in your life, then you have to tithe faithfully to God and allow all of the pieces to the puzzle come into play. God is always watching over you and protecting you at the same time.

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