Interesting Personalities In Christian Sermon DVDs

By Brenda Sullivan

One of the essential ways of developing spiritual maturity is by listening to God's word. God's word does not exist only in the Bible as people can also know his heart desires by listening to inspirational talks and music from anointed speakers. Materials such as Christian sermon DVDs and tracts are also among the things every believer should have in his closet. DVDs that treat the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus Christ should not be left out when buying Christian materials.

Abraham is regarded in Christianity as the father of faith. This may be as a result of his unwavering trust in God even in his old age. Most of the inspiration about Abraham can be drawn from the fact that he believed in God when he was told that he would have a son in his old age. Most preachers also like to talk about his reliance on God even to the point of attempting to sacrifice his only son after the prophecy came to pass.

When the Bible talks about being vessels unto honor, it refers to people like Isaac who was the father of Jacob, the one who was later renamed Israel. Another important point to note about Isaac is his level of obedience. He was ready to give his life as a sacrifice at Mount Moriah so that his father Abraham could give a sacrifice to God.

The life of Jacob in the Bible is still something many professed Christians may find difficult to set as an example. Jacob was the man who changed his destiny at Bethel and Peniel after waiting earnestly on God. It was his refusal to succumb that made him scale through and eventually become the instrument for God to bring up the twelve tribes of Israel.

Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob. He appears in most DVD sermons as someone that was chaste and fled from fornication. It is good to pick up DVDs about Joseph to learn more about his drives and what particularly made him say no to the request made by Potiphar's wife. His journey from slavery to governorship is worth studying.

Ministers and leaders in christian gatherings need to study the life of Moses. He was a unique leader who always heard from God and did what He wanted for the Israelites. Ministers can learn about his courage, prayer life and what makes him the greatest prophet in the land of Israel.

Samson DVDs talk about many things such as carefulness and perseverance in maintaining God's standard. Samson was gifted in strength and even though it was used to a large extent, the Bible still records that he died with his enemies. Knowing how to keep God's gift intact should be the duty of any believer.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the center of many messages on DVD. It is necessary to buy materials that talk about Jesus and his salvation because doing so will make one understand more clearly the vanity of life and what to do to enter Heaven. His attributes, qualities and his death at the Cross of Calvary can be found in almost any church bookshop.

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