What You Need To Know In Combating Depression

By Sandra Ward

Depression doesn't mean the end of everything. You can help yourself and those who have it. If you found the signs, one way or another it affects your life. Now is the time to act to save your life and marriage. Combating depression is important before it gets any worse.

What can you do when you're prone to desperation and are having an "off" day? It's important to realize that when you struggle with despair, you do have some control over your mood, and it can begin as easily as taking stock of what you eat and whether you exercise.

All of us have goals. Some are very large and some are rather small. Dealing with depression makes reaching any goals difficult and that can be depressing in itself. Try making your goals smaller and more readily achievable. Even activities as simple as washing the dishes or cleaning the apartment count. Write these small goals down on paper and then check them off as they are done. You may be surprised at how good even these smaller victories feel.

Eating dairy products is a great way to combat sadness naturally. At latitudes further away from the equator, the sun is not as intense and sunlight alone may not be enough to meet your vitamin D requirements. Here, dairy plays a key role in supplementing them. Dairy also contains whey protein which contains tryptophan which the body makes into serotonin. It has an added benefit of keeping you feeling satisfied longer.

If your sadness is being caused by your constant judging of your own actions you really need to stop. I can't think of a single human being who has ever been "perfect" in every way. I am certainly not, and I am reasonably sure you aren't either. Part of wisdom is accepting yourself as you are and not punishing yourself because of what you are not. This certainly doesn't mean that you should not try to improve the person you are. It does mean that you must not punish yourself for the stumbles that happen along the way.

Doing deep breathing exercises, as well as combining these with regular exercise, such as aerobics, cross training, cardiovascular training and more, it will help to elevate symptoms of hopelessness. Though checking with a doctor is always important when changing routines when it comes to mental health such as sadness. Medications that are being taken should be talked over with a doctor before quitting them and choosing to control the symptoms of despair with exercise instead.

Despair makes most of us want to hide from the world and that is not a good thing. It is a lot harder to remain depressed when in the company of others than it is when you are along and brooding. When it attacks, fight back by attending social functions. You probably won't feel like it but by attending your situation will not be as paralyzing.

For those who are seriously affected by medical doctor or psychologist to be depressed, taking antidepressants can help. These have to be prescribed by the doctor. Ask about the pros and cons of the antidepressants and make the appropriate decision. When it is given, it is critical to follow the dosage and timing. Medication does not cure depression, they only provide some relief. As such it has to be applied together with other methods.

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