How Normal Christianity Found In The Psalms Work

By Mark Reed

Poetry was a very important communication tool for elder societies, a device using rhyme or meter for mnemonic purposes. The Word as history was once an oral standard, and priests were tasked to keep all of it in memory, and beauty came in at a later date. As luck would have it, the poetics and beauty have a good fit, so that the range for verse was extended to encompass all concepts.

From these early humans, Christians inherited the laws of reason, the laws of the hearth and laws of the highest universal order. And most of these, when accessed through their original system of expression, will sound like the normal Christianity found in the Psalms. And it is no surprise that the concepts here share a pride of place with the most important precepts of the modern testament.

Modern, in this sense, was probably Iudea, a Palestinian kingdom that worked under the Roman proconsul. The ancient laws were revamped and made more applicable to the present tense. And beauty came with it, with all that the roseate human brain could think of in those terms, in the sense of heaven and the highest order of civilized life deserved by a faithful and law abiding people.

It took two millennia for these concepts to become normative or normal for the majority of people on earth. It took wars, generations of misfits, evil concepts that took root in empires and kingdoms, and many kinds of wrongheaded philosophy before people learned what was correct. It took rivers of blood, mountains of bones, and shattered landscapes to hardwire the concepts into racial memory.

Normal Christianity is the total celebration of life, love and laughter. These values are primary ones in Psalms and the Songs of Solomon, no matter how the times called for David to gird his loins and be prepared to do battle to preserve the human paradise that he first conceptualized. The final redaction of his words was probably done during the ministry of Jesus.

If the normal Christianity in Psalms has done nothing else but keep people of faith anchored to the original precepts for living in peace and harmony through the worst times, then its mission has been accomplished. However, there is still much to be accomplished in these terms. So the Psalms and its teachings must retain a paramount dynamic in the life of all Christians today.

The Psalms of David has a lot of related scholarship done. Plus, it is best to remember the possible redaction during the time of Christ, because together with beauty, it also took on elements of realpolitik, further differentiating from old history verse. The point can be made here how the literary craft was given a boost here, and the differentiation between verse and poetics became clearer, with histories being verse, and poetry having the beauty element.

Literature went many ways from that time forward, even as its life was strongly entwined with Christian history. For true believers, continuous study of Biblical works in question is highly recommended. Most will not miss the opportunity to go deeper and broader into the philosophy.

Some of the most relevant Bibles to use in these times are the NRSV and NASB, with perhaps some passages taken from the King James Version. Most Bibles being distributed today are considered standard for all Christians. Copies can be gotten for free from mission groups.

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