What A Denver Psychic Medium Can And Cannot Do

By Susan Moore

If there is one common thread throughout the history of mankind it is the presence of soothsayers, witches, wizards, prophets and many other individuals with special powers. History and even the Bible is richly populated with people yielding extraordinary influence because they are believed to be specially talented. To this day paranormal practitioners thrive. Many people will, in fact, not make decisions before consulting a Denver psychic medium.

There have always been controversy around paranormal practices. Critics say that practitioners are crooks that use very elementary psychological principles to dazzle their clients into believing that they possess special insight or power. They say that there is no such thing as the paranormal and that believers are not only delusional, but gullible as well. They accuse practitioners of being sleigh of the hand abusers.

Of particular concern to many critics is the fact that so many people will make no major decisions unless they have first consulted with a practitioner. This, critics say, is a dangerous practice. The follow the advice that they are given blindly and often make very serious errors of judgement. When confronted, the practitioner will simply convince the client that he has misunderstood or that he did not follow the advice correctly.

The fact remains that some paranormal practitioners enjoy high profiles. There are a few that have received widespread coverage of the successes that they have achieved in helping the police finding missing persons, for example. Some practitioners are favoured by celebrities and individuals in very high positions. This all contributes to the popularity of paranormal consultations, even among numerous ordinary people.

Devotees also point out that many critics and sceptics base their opinions on falsehoods or half truths. They say that no practitioner claims to be able to predict the future. They cannot read minds and they cannot force people to act in a certain way. Instead, they harness the natural energy that surrounds all living things and use this energy to create communication channels to other dimensions.

Some practitioners say that they had no choice other than to become what they are. They claim that they were chosen as channels of communication between beings form other dimensions, even the realm of death and that it is their job to relay the messages that they receive. Christians that scoff at this claim should perhaps remember that the Bible is well stocked with human characters that played this type of role.

Many people think that there is no harm in consulting a paranormal practitioner. They have to understand, however, that if they choose to follow the advice they receive, they do so voluntary and without any pressure to do so. If they are not happy with the results they will not be able to lodge a complain and they will not be able to seek recourse through any official body or channel.

Offering paranormal consultations in exchange for a fee is perfectly legal. No formal training or special accreditation is required. Yet more and more people consult such practitioners and the industry is showing brisk growth. Whether it is a valuable and valid service is a decision every person must make for himself.

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