The Supreme Being As A Person

By Pamela Gray

Many people believe in a creative God. However, they may think this Deity a concept rather than a person. Christians not only think of the supreme being as a person, they believe that they can know Him personally. They believe that He has revealed Himself to mankind through His written word and through His son, Jesus.

Christianity is based on the validity of the Bible, which states that there is only one path to eternal life. The way to heaven is through belief in Jesus Christ, as well as the acceptance of His sacrifice and death on the cross as payment for sin. Many cannot accept that there would be only one way to fellowship with God. It seems to them odd that a creator, with enough wisdom to bring everything we know into being, would choose to reveal Himself to mankind.

The Bible tells us that this is the case, however. God revealed Himself to the descendants of Adam by His creation. Man could know the nature of the Lord by observing what He had made. God also revealed Himself through the person and life of Jesus. Those who don't believe in this may still feel gratitude to something or someone for the world and the universe around them.

A relative view of the divine leaves each person in control of what they choose to believe. People may feel more comfortable with a nebulous idea because it doesn't demand too much of them, doesn't structure their life in any particular way, and doesn't deny the same freedom to others. They refuse to believe that God could and would define Himself.

Even those who accept a very loose definition of divinity may still seek and believe they have found a connection that includes prayer and answered petitions. Christians believe they were created in the image of their heavenly father and obtain the full rights as children when they believe that they are saved. The relationship with the creator of the universe who is at the same time a loving father is their reward here on earth.

Although the biblical God is a father, the Bible gives Him both masculine and feminine aspects. He is the begetter and the one who gives birth, the lawgiver and the nurturer, the authority and the source of mercy. He is definitely male, as is Jesus. Jesus, a figure well-documented in history, was a man, a Jew, and a miracle worker. The Bible is the oldest document man has, with multiple ancient copies, and has proved the most reliable source of historical information for archaeologists.

Accepting God's personhood makes a real relationship possible. Once a believer confesses the need for a savior and accepts the restoration provided by the blood of Jesus, he or she becomes a child of God. Being a part of the family of God carries responsibilities, but the benefits far outweigh any cost.

Eternal life is worth anything we can give up, and having a loving relationship with the creator of the universe makes life on earth incredible rich and fulfilling. People can talk to God; they can know Him through His word, and they can have the security of a code of conduct and a constant source of help and comfort.

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