EQI 20 Certification And Some Toys Can Help Your Child To Succeed

By Jerry Kennedy

When a child grows, they are expected to try doing certain things at a certain age. When a child doesn t make an attempt to grip things that are close to her/him at 3 months, or they don t find toys attractive at 2 years then this might be a sign that that child s development is delayed. It is important for parents to know how a child should act at all their stages of growth, that way they can monitor their children s rate of development. EQI 20 certification is a way you can help your child develop well, one of them is to give them occupational therapy toys for pre-schoolers.

Don t focus only on the fun side of the toy, choose those that will allow your child to learn too. Toys can be used to improve a child s sensory skills; so buy toys that will arouse your child to touch, for example, balls. Buying toys that encourage the child to use all their senses, that is, touch, smell, see, talk and hearing will improve their sensory skills. Example of toys is children s musical instruments, baby songs and even decorating the playroom with different bright colors.

Children are new to this world so they may find it hard to relate to the surrounding around them if they don t get any assistance. As a parent, you can help them by stimulating their imagination. This can be done by buying them pretend toys, dolls, children kitchenware and many more.

It will be easier for kids to imagine being a grown up, they will imagine what they see at home. So buy them something they can associate with their surroundings. For example, a telephone toy, children see parents talking on the phone all the time so they are likely going to imitate them by talking to themselves on their telephone toy.

Children will get frustrated when they can t solve small problems and resolve to tantrums if you don t help them develop their problem-solving skills at a young age. This skill is very important throughout a person s whole life and therefore time should be spent on enhancing this skill as early as possible in a child s life. Occupational therapy toys for this matter includes puzzles, coloring books, pegboards, play dough and many more. Put a lot of concentration on this skill.

Everyone wants their child to be able to write and type, so it is only fair that parents help their kids with preparing them for this skill they want them to attain. You can prepare your kids by encouraging them to interact with vertical surfaces. This will also improve their fine motor skills which are an essential need for them to be able to color, scribble and draw. To encourage vertical interactions, you can stick coloring paper on the wall, they will reach for it when coloring or you can buy them toys like magnets, bathtub crayons or foam bath toys.

Your child also needs to develop well physically to be able to perform day to day tasks like walking and carrying things buy him/her trampolines and bikes.

Occupation therapy toys are very helpful in the development of young children. Monitor your child s growth and where there is a delay help her or him by buying a relevant toy to develop that specific delay.

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