Reasons Of A Relation Falling Apart

By Barbara Brown

Fearing your marriage is on the verge of collapsing. Cannot handle the situation for reason that partner may be cheating and the financial difficulties to the point marriage are affected. Whatever reason are bothering your mind resulting to sleepless nights. Here is your chance to have those questions answered by Huntington beach marriage counseling.

No one would ever wish for a broken family. Growing up without the guidance of both parents could be miserable. Parents presence is vital to a growing child in cases such as school meetings, events that require a complete family, reunions and whatnot. Situation may also have a negative impact on the psychological development of a child. Confusion may also get in the way since a child may not have the idea which side to favor between a warring parents.

One may ask of a perfect relation but is there really an ideal relationship without any flaws. To dream of flawless matrimony is to dream of heaven here on earth and it is achievable if two persons will work together side by side in harmony. This is a give and take relationship not minding who is on top or who is on the bottom part and treating each other equally and fairly.

The consequence of separation is devastating for the children. Children are the real victim of this situation. Pride, trust issue, jealousy, greed, immorality are some of the factors leading to both parties walking away from the victim who will suffer the most. Two criminals escaping from the crime scene leaving the victims body lying lifeless and bloodied.

Another reason is, couples after years of being together forget to maintain the physical qualities each other possessed resulting to the first attraction. Sagging breast, bulging belly, inactive sex life, hygiene these are just the things taken for granted after years of living together. The way one must always look good in the eyes of a partner is highly recommendable.

It has been almost a year since the memorable event. A babe was born who resemble both your face features. The baby was the delight of the man and the woman. Woman cannot hold the tears dribbling from the eyes down the cheeks. Sense of fulfillment in being a mother was the feeling cannot be explained by words.

Find ways to enrich the spirit with inspirational things. Think of the days of your first meeting and relive the moments of first kiss, first date, holding each other hands while waiting for the sun to set. Get excited everyday by sending small notes to appreciate things like the dress or shirt worn for the day. Make every day an inspiration.

The most hated reason especially to women is when physical abuse knocks at the door of your matrimony. Not anyone has the right to lay hands whether a woman or a man is the aggrieve party suffering from physical abuse. Physical abuse should not be entertained the very first instance it knocks on your door. It is not recommended. The moment you see it is coming dial that phone and tell the authorities of your ordeal.

A happy and complete family is something to be proud of. Age will not be a hindrance to express the love you have for each other. Overcoming trials in life knowing that you have each other hand while crossing the bridge is amazing. Who needs a marriage counseling after all.

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