Leadership Development Training New York Establishing Innovative Levels In Staff Deployment

By Dennis Lewis

When it comes to Leadership Development Training New York leads the way with innovative programs designed to get the best out of the modern workforce. By tailoring developmental initiatives to suit individual needs, far more is achieved when compared to the traditional one size fits all type of training package.

Businesses frequently produce their yearly report brochures and often make glowing references to importance and attributes of their employees. The reality is often quite different and frequently companies do not invest sufficiently in staff, neither financially, in terms of resources nor time. The old adage that great leaders are born holds very little truth. In most instances developing effective leadership ability is a long process of training, coaching and reinforcing, as are many workplace attributes.

For business leaders to manage this process effectively, it is vital that they are able to spot and comprehend the steps of the leadership evolution. Having successfully completed the desired theoretical training, there are basically three main phases that the recently appointed leader will follow. The first is the intuitive phase followed by the transitional phase and finally the management phase.

During the intuitive step the newly appointed leader will tend to take the majority of work related decisions themselves. Immersing themselves in technicalities they will also be spending more time telling others what to do in contrast to using good listening practices. Organization will revolve more around the personality of individuals, recognition is monopolized and tasks controls performed by observing.

The transitional stage is the period when the new leader will require the most support and, most importantly, the most patience. Experimenting with a new skill set has many ups and downs. Characteristics include: poorly motivated people, poor communication, inflexibility, and frequent crises. Costs may escalate during this period.

It is important for an accomplished management member to provide guidance and be supportive during this phase. Mentoring by a another recognized and skilled manager will also be invaluable. It is likely for the incumbent to be lacking confidence and have feelings of not been able to achieve anything. Identify and reinforce even the smallest achievement during this time.

The leadership period is characterized with the newly appointed leader growing into their role. Decisions are made more by the people performing work which leaves more time for the appointee to concentrate on the role of a manager. Organization starts to be driven by results and benefits accrue to the work team. Improvements occur in the way the team communicates, information is transferred both ways with improved levels of understanding. Exception is the method by which controls in the work area are governed.

Growth can be a slow and occasionally painful process. Realization that leadership is a two way process, through which both parties achieve their objectives, is a key learning objective. Getting work done through others and the possibility of increasing their own output through the skill and ability of the team is sinking in. Spurred on by this breakthrough new heights are achieved.

The outcomes of all leaders may be similar, but the needs and requirements individuals may have in order to achieve these, will be uniquely different. It is incumbent on senior management and business leaders to develop strong and capable leaders in their organizations. In order for this to be effective, it has to be addressed and driven at an individual level.

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