What Can You Do To Make CVB Sales Training Programs More Interesting?

By Rebecca Wright

Experts have indicated that a high level of engagement during workplace learning results in better outcomes from the same. Don't have to be a genius to see the need to tailor your CVB sales training programs towards that particular goal, do you? As for how you can go about it, there's a handful of techniques you could use:

Make it Practical: This you could do by incorporating real-world scenarios or case studies into the syllabus. Both are ideal tools for making the audience not only to pay attention, but also develop an emotional link with the concept being discussed. You could even take this a notch higher by introducing a challenge. This will compel the audience to figure out solutions on their own, thus making the experience more meaningful in everyday life.

Break it Down: Learning tends to be more effective when it involves the use of succinct modules. Besides, not all your employees will be able to find time to attend lessons while they're still attending to their respective roles. Both of these boxes can be checked by placing the key objectives in small pieces of training. Why not make these accessible via smartphones while you're at it?

Add Some Humor: This is the perfect tool with which to create an emotional connection with your audience and take the pressure of training off their shoulders. Your options here include lighthearted banter, witty comments, plus anything else that could make them laugh. Just remember to keep these elements positive and in-line with what's culturally appropriate.

Utilize Social Media: It has become such a natural part of people's lives that you can't afford not to include it in your strategy. It's the perfect tool with which you could provide reinforcement post the formal training sessions. This starts with cultivating a learning community on a dedicated forum, after which you'll be more than good to go.

Up The Fun Factor: This isn't always obvious, but the same elements used in gaming contexts to retain the audience's attention are perfectly applicable in learning environments. Such include tokens and badges, just to name a couple of good examples. Both can be used to make complex subjects palatable for learners, all while taking the boring out of training. The result is a pleasurable learning experience that everyone can look forward to.

Utilize Videos: There's a good reason why this medium has exploded in popularity over the last few years. Studies have confirmed that the human brain processes visual data about 90 percent faster than raw text. It therefore goes without saying that integrating videos into your courses will not only make your job easier, but also improve comprehension among the audience. Plus, video content can be updated quickly without the high cost of reproducing printed materials.

Just like a product needs advertising to succeed in the market, it's important that you give your employees an incentive to embrace your training program. And you don't have to reinvent the wheel to do this -- it's just a case of transforming a mundane learning session into an exciting experience. Take note that a bit of creative thinking might be required when weaving these ideas into your strategy.

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