Understanding The Laws Of Success - Law Of The Farm

By Sharon R. Upchurch

"Success" is a concept not often associated with law. Success has too many variables. Success is dependent on luck or fate or conditions beyond control. Not so, says Paramahansa Yogananda. Success is as reliable as gravity for the individual who understands and applies the law.Given the same conditions, physical laws are considered universal and invariable. Everyone experiences the phenomenon's of gravity or motion or energy whether or not they understand the full functioning of the law. Mastery of the law however, knowing with complete certainty the means to realize a specific outcome, confers immense advantage.
[The Law Of Attraction]

Preparing the Field.For the farmer to reap a harvest, he cannot simply scatter seeds in a field. The field must be plowed, fertilized, and otherwise prepared before the seed is planted. For some crops, these may take years of preparation; as Stephen Covey points out in his book, "The Eight Habit", a potato farmer must prepare his field for two years prior to planting. People must be prepared for success the same way. They need to have the weeds of negative thinking cleared away. They must be prepared for the planting by learning the attitude of expectation of success. A person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance so that the seed has food to grow.

"Fear exhausts life energy." To overcome fear and every other obstacle with courage and faith, keep your consciousness on God. Meditate, pray, focus. These are the means to reinforce the habits of success. If you fail, redouble your efforts. Analyze what went wrong, but always try once more. Never quit. Transfer your attention from failure to success and you will grow.See the image and likeness of God in all people. When you intend to condemn or criticize others turn inward and examine yourself. "Habits of thought control one's life." Form right habits as good habits nourish spiritual aspirations and set you free.Maintain a consciousness of abundance. All power lies with the divine will, all spiritual and material gifts flow from that boundless source. Eradicate thoughts of limitation and poverty.

Succeed in School through Recitation.You don't have to be a know-it-all to be great at recitation during class. While a lot of people sound like they're just showing off when they stand up and speak in the middle of a lecture, that's just one way of reciting. One great way to recite and use the law of success quite subtly is to ask more questions, rather than be the first one to blurt out the correct answer in an attempt to aggrandize yourself. Show to your teachers that you are genuinely curious about the lesson, and that you trust them to teach you more. This will definitely get you on their good side, and when grading comes at the end of the year, they'll remember you as the highly inquisitive one.

A human is born to be powerful. The inborn in him are vast. Each standard human being is provided with a entire set of faculties which, if accurately utilized and exactly used, will assure victory, a mounting victory. Man is formed for improvement. Every human being has within himself the faculty for unending development. Development into everything is the universal law's impressive intention. By finding out how to do with the Law of success in promoting that objective, man may build himself into better and greater success.All the processes of Nature are winning. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She seeks at results in every form and manner. To achieve something in the best and identifiable sense of the term we are obliged to, with Nature as our model, copy her ways. In her principles and law of success we shall discover all the secrets of richness..

The law of success is not just for people starting up a business or trying to make their way up the corporate ladder. It can definitely be used to help anyone succeed in school, which is certainly very important in the shaping of a person's future. So, if you're still studying or plan to return to your studies, make sure to take the law into consideration.

Your definite chief aim must be written down and committed to memory. It must be written down on a daily basis and placed where you can review it at least once a day. The mind works as such that we act in harmony with our dominating thoughts. The stronger we feel about those thoughts, the more our behavior lines up. It is amazing that when we think about not spilling the hot coffee, we always seem to get second degree burns. One key thing that must occur when you write down your goals and dreams is that it must be handwritten to achieve the desired effect. The effect of the written words and the mind is very powerful. Those words are committed to memory and recalled faster when a simple composition pad and pen is used.

Do you desire to do well? You can. You hold all the necessities within yourself; all you need is just to obtain a acceptably understanding of the principles and laws upon which success is dependent, and then to apply the right ways of operating these causes until success is achieved.The law of success is as clear-cut as the laws of any science. The precise use of this law will produce outcome every time. It is results that is important; and as results may be multiplied indefinitely by a relentless application of this law of success, there is no ending for the success you can enjoy. Great things are not less possible than small things, and it is the great things that will go after whoever operate the universal laws with loyalty and understanding.

Whatever your existing circumstances or condition may be, there's a better and a bigger expectation in store for you, but you are required to prepare yourself for it. You cannot climb into the better and greater things unless you DO SOMETHING on it. Study, plan, and work are all required. The young and the older alike are entitled to enhance.The young and the elderly alike are allowed to advance. To be honest to yourself and to the universal laws which guides you, law of success is purely moving, for advancement. It is the Universal Law's goal that you shall move ahead. You can still keep, and you can reverse, in this manner hindering your natural process for a while, conceivably as long as a life time (usually it doesn't require that much), on the contrary in the end you will be compelled to move forward, especially in the path of soul's increase.

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