Global Food Crisis Solution

By Amber D. Ackerman

The food crisis will be the biggest crisis of the 21st century. It will push up food prices and spread hunger and poverty. Surging food prices will create inflation and create more crisis in the world. This will not only affect developing countries but also developed countries. According to United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), more than 73 million people in 78 countries who depend on food handouts are facing reduced rations this year.
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High prices have caused food protests around the world like Mexico, India, Senegal, London, Mauritania and other parts of Africa. India, Mexico, Haiti, Philippines, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Yemen have seen food riots this year protesting the food crisis. Hardest hit of this crisis will likely be African countries, where many of the world's poorest nations are here. A lack of food as the primary needs of humans will cause riots, suicide and millions of people could die from it.

Increased world population,Increased demand for more food,Development,Droughts,Subsidies and Tariffs,More competition and higher prices on the commodities that are produced,Waste,High oil prices In the past few months we have heard a lot of talk and rhetoric from government officials from the pledging of more money, and promising to do more, but this is not enough we have to put systems and fail safes into place to compensate for the growing population and our efforts to find alternative energy solutions to decrease our dependency on oil.And how do we put systems into place? Through proper planning, goal setting, and training

Food Stockpiles The point of Forbes' story-as well as the part which could actually cause food shortages in America-is that in September of 2010, the USDA estimated that global grain stockpiles totaled 432 million tons. While this sounds like an incredible amount of grain, in terms we can relate to, this is a mere 70 days of consumption. In 2007 that stockpile figure reached 64 days, and the food crisis of 2008 followed shortly thereafter. The question remains, what if America's "record harvests," turn into one really bad production year-then what? Many analysts believe that because of our history of good harvests, we have fallen into complacency, and that when the next food crisis comes it will be a far bigger shock than the $150 dollar per barrel oil.

The World Bank predicts global demand for food will double by 2030. This is partly because the world's population is expected to grow by three billion by 2050. Food demand will also grow due to new prosperity in India and China.Global warming will disrupt food production in many countries. It can cause climate instability which is bad for crop.Food price are affected by accelerating demand for biofuels. Biofuels, made from food crops such as corn, sugar cane, and palm oil, are seen as easing the world's dependence on gasoline. But when crude oil is expensive, these alternative energy sources can also be sold at higher price. Last year a quarter of the US maize crop was turned into ethanol to fuel vehicles. US supplies more than 60% of the world's maize exports. According to the World Bank, this is putting pressure on countries' food supplies.

The worldwide food reserves are at their lowest in 35 years. Demand is growing much more than supply.How to solve For short term, massive government and international agency aid is needed especially from rich nations. For long term, there should be incentives to increase food production. Relative price fluctuations are an unavoidable part of an efficient economy. This becomes worrying when some people are so poor that a small rise in price becomes a life and death question for them.

The rice is made by mixing potatoes, sweet potatoes and plastic; the potatoes are formed into the shape of rice grains to which industrial synthetic resins are added. The Chinese Restaurant Association stated that eating three bowls of this fake rice would be like eating one plastic bag. As food continues to become scarce around the world, it's likely we will see much more of these "fillers" being added to our food.

Global warming has caused climate instability, which can destroy crop fields. Nowadays, there has been a lot of talking about global warming. Each day, more and more people realized that global warming is endangering the world. For short term, he hope that researchers can improve farming technique to address worldwide hunger. Researchers around the world like the International Rice Research Institute in Philippines are studying how to improve crop which more pest and weed resistant, more nutrient rich and high yielding.

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