Treatment For Substance Abuse

By Marion M. Fout

Drug abuse today is a major cause for concern and has a negative effect on society at large. Though students constitute a large segment of drug abusers, adults also succumb to drug abuse. There is a tendency amongst middle-aged people to abuse prescription drugs.The first step towards combating drug addiction is to make the abuser aware of the damage it causes the body. Most addicts lack confidence and must be taught to become a master of the situation and not a slave to addiction.
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There are many institutions and organizations that help drug abusers kick the habit. The support of friends and family is of prime importance. First and foremost, an abuser must be committed to giving up drugs. Doctors and counselors are a drug abusers greatest ally in the battle against addiction. People who realize they have to quit this dangerous habit may be too embarrassed or afraid to confide in anyone. They might even be worried that they will land into trouble if they admit to having this problem. Abusers must talk to anyone they trust.

Addicts use drug abuse treatment centers at the usual time when people cannot tolerate their usage anymore and is sometimes a healthy alternative to being an out-patient and going to NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings. Drug abuse centers also provide liaisons between parents and their children and also for teenagers with their parents. More than half of drug abuse treatment centers are for adults where the others are designed for the addicted teen.Teenagers that have been put into drug abuse treatment centers must at times provide parental permission to do so. Teens involved in drug abuse treatment centers usually wind up with a case manager or a therapist to help them cope with their troubles or their thoughts that it it is cool to continue the drug abuse. Treatment centers know this and will do all that is needed to keep the teen from exterminating themselves with the lives filled with drug abuse.

Let's take a look at one way drug abusers dull their perception of the past with drugs and with other mental 'tricks'. Drug abuse, including marijuana abuse, pharmaceutical abuse and alcohol abuse have one thing in common: Justification As a drug rehab consultant, I hear more justification for drug abuse and use than most. Here are some rather common and even infamous justifications I've heard over the years. Mental Justifications: They don't understand I just need one more hit, then it'll be OK What's the big deal, it's just one time This will fix things and I'll make it through for a while longer

One half of all college students binge drink, abuse pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs. (ref: National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse or CASA). College can be a great place to get an education, but if a loved one has drug abuse problems, you should be planning their rehab program 1st. I've sent many college students to long-term drug rehab programs that use the social / educational model of recovery after drug abuse was discovered to be ruining a young person's life.

If the doctor discontinues the prescription, an addict will seek out another doctor for a prescription of the same drug under false pretexts. Abusers use various methods to get a high. They even mix prescription drugs with alcohol, marijuana or any other similar drug. Drugs such as Ritalin and OxyContin are among the most abused drugs. Prescribing these drugs is carefully monitored and given only when urgently required.To battle prescription drug abuse, medication directions must always be followed carefully. The physician must always be consulted regarding any change in dosage. It is not advisable to crush the tablets or take them with alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. Also, patients must never use someone else?s prescription, even if the symptoms are similar. The doctors should also exercise caution while prescribing drugs with any possibility of abuse. They must ask patients if they have any history of drug abuse.

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