Recognizing Drug Addiction Signs

By Rey Vetangelo

Many people enjoy outdoor recreation and sports. From mountain climbing and hiking to swimming and playing tennis, the number of activities and recreational opportunities that are available to individuals is near limitless.

Method 1: Education.

The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to cope and move forward into the future. Begin your research with websites like medical websites and keep your eyes out for organizations like AA or 12-step programs-those organizations are there to help people like you get through problems and the many small challenges you face each day of recovery. Whether you're the one recovering or the one offering support to a loved one, you will be able to deal with the physical and emotional effects resulting from your addiction.

Second, drugs often affect weight. A sudden loss or gain in weight could indicate a drug addiction. Alone, weight change isn't much of an indicator, but when combined with some of these other changes, it could be very telling.

Third, a person who is abusing drugs will suffer physically from the addiction. Most commonly, eyes become blood-shot and pupils are dilated. In some instances, you may see skin discoloration, unusual injuries/cuts, frequent nose bleeds, puffy faces, and injection marks. They may also suffer from tremors, censures, itching, or sniffling.

There are many other benefits available for those who are treated with recreational therapy. Some benefits of recreational therapy are aimed at curbing the need for the abused substance or action while other are able to support and build up the individual who is struggling to overcome their addiction.

Another consequence of these behavioral changes is a lack of interest in things that they used to really enjoy. Once the drug takes top tier on the survival pyramid, nothing else will matter except getting the next fix. This could lead them to steal, lie, lock themselves in their rooms, and avoid conversations about their behaviors. One of the most obvious drug abuse signs is finding physical evidence of drug use. Many drugs require tools for consumption - needles, burnt spoons, rolled paper, razors, broken glass, pipes, lighters, and so on. If you find any of these, there is a very good chance that drug abuse is happening.

If you are certain that a loved one is abusing drugs, you must get them help. It will mostly likely be a painful and difficult process both physically, mentally, and emotionally for everyone involved. There are professional organizations that are prepared to help drug abusers and their families overcome the negative effects of drug addiction. As you help your loved one get addiction treatment in Utah, be as supportive and loving as you can be. They need your help, not your judgment. Between your support and the addiction recovery programs in Utah, your loved one can successfully gain control over their lives again!

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