Different Spiritual Experiences With God

By Olivia Cross

Polls reveal that somewhere around one-half of all the world's people lay claim to some sort of interaction with a force they recognize as divine. Thought many of the modern skeptics of such things might believe such claims to be unscientific or illogical, actual scientists know that they understand but a small fraction of our reality and that denying such things without evidence would be the true crime against rational thought. Here are some basic ways to determine whether you've had spiritual experiences with God.

First of all, recognize that not every supernatural interaction is divinely inspired. Most people of faith understand that there are darker forces at work in the world as well, and that those forces offer nothing good for mankind. The three main faiths of the Western world all attest to the existence of tempting spirits that seek to lead people down the path to their own destruction.

It is critically important, therefore, to examine the nature of any such encounter. If a spirit's presence leaves you questioning your own worth or thinking evil thoughts, that is generally a sign that you've encountered one of those darker forces. After all, faithful people understand that God's intent is to add to the love we feel for others, promote goodness, and console us in times of need.

At the same time, the opposite is generally true for people who have turned from faith. Evil spirits will often tempt those people to justify their misdeeds through excuses rather than take responsibility for their own sins. God's Spirit, on the other hand, will speak to the person's conscience so that his own heart convicts him and drives him to seek forgiveness.

Ignatius was a scholar who aptly described the fundamental issue that must be addressed for such discernment. To succeed, the person must first know himself and recognize where he is at in his own spiritual journey. When you are actively seeking God and trying to live by faith, His presence will leave you feeling loved and consoled, and not separated from Him in any way.

Scripture can assist in this discernment, and should be referred to as a guide when judging such encounters. Many claims of divine meetings involve strange prophecies or commands that simply do not match God's Word. By referring to the text of Scripture, people of faith can better discern false encounters and real ones simply by considering whether the nature of the encounter comports with the Word.

Despite the vast number of such reported incidents, the skeptics still mock those who make such claims. Still, their arguments about how religious people are delusional or following ancient cults have little weight when one considers that they offer no rational explanations to explain away such an experience. In most instances, they simply fail to acknowledge that there is much that science cannot know.

In the end, even ardent believers often struggle to discern the nature of supernatural encounters. Even so, those who focus on their own current spiritual state, the nature of the encounter in question, and how that encounter compares with God's written Word can usually determine for themselves whether they've actually been touched by the presence of God.

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