Getting The Right Office Plants Chicago Businesses Have Access To

By Olivia Cross

Most flowers are beautiful when setting in a pot or vase, but they have a lot more things going for them and you, than just that. If it were that simple, any plant would be appropriate because all you would be looking for would be to make the place look nice. Since it is more than that, a few ideas about the other purposes that the office plants Chicago florists offer is a very good idea for your place of business.

Plants help keep the air clean and healthy. They take in the carbon dioxide people breathe out and turn it into the oxygen that everyone must breathe in. This is extremely healthy and this environment is provided to employees, visitors and you very cheaply. Large plantings do this for large areas and a lot of smaller ones accomplish the same thing with additional color.

Between 50 and 60 percent of airborne molds and mildews are removed by plants. They also help in stabilizing the humidity because of their ability to rid the air of ammonia, benzene as well as other chemicals used to manufacture many office furniture items and floor coverings. All of this points out the healthy benefits of plants when the correct ones are placed in the right places and treated well.

Plant life is pretty as they reflect the yellow and green spectrum which helps eyes from becoming overly tired, especially when doing close work and a lot of reading. They not only reduce noise levels, a good thing in most busy offices, they also act as a great divider between areas in open rooms. All of this and they are not very expensive. Not only that but you can contract with a company to bring them in, take care of them and remove them when you do not want them anymore.

A Chicago Based Florist can design a program that will assist in all of the benefits of these without having your employees having to deal with them. There are a very large number of plants that can be decided upon and you may want to let these professionals make those choices. Many of those choices will revolve around the popularity of various plants, their ability to brighten up dark areas or take advantage of low, medium, or high sun light conditions.

Low light plant life would include Aspidistra elatior, Aglaonema Silver Bay, Aglaonema Green lady and Zamiaoculcas zamiifolia or ZZ plant. These do not need as much sun light as others and will do fine with fluorescent lights only. The florists will suggest these for deep interiors and many people will appreciate a little color that far back.

Medium light vegetation will include those that will take more sun light and fluorescent lights in combination. These will include such species as Chama edorea, Anthurium scherzerianum, and Cissus rhombifolia or Grape Ivy. Medium light plants enjoy a place in the sun and can make do with a lot of indoor, man made light as well.

The high light level plantings require the most light, normally full sun light most of the day. All of the various plants need to be placed in the proper areas and Chicago based florist will be able to do this. They can set up a program that ensures you have the correct mix and maintains them properly for you.

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