There Is Far Less Attention For White Privilege Sports That Do Not Adapt

By Toni Vang

Everyone should try and do some or other form of sport as it not only keeps one healthy but also teaches how to interact with other people. It also helps many to accept how to be gracious when winning or losing. There are some people that still ask if there are any white privilege sports left but irrespective of color it is a sport where many still make friends no matter what the race might be.

Many years ago in all races it was the norm for the whites to have a leg up over the blacks in regard to having jobs, housing as well as schooling. It meant that the whites were given an advantage of having a head start. In some cases this might still be true. A survey was taken in the United States of America asking the population if there were certain benefits in today's society to being white. The poles came back with fifty three percent saying yes, forty two saying no, and three percent saying they don't know.

Basketball is one sport that is now mainly played by the black population. It was a whites only game in eighteen ninety two when James Naismith invented it. The popularity of the game grew and the blacks began to play their own form of this sport in the post Civil War of America.

A good book that all should read is the Shades of White, an examination of whiteness in sports. It is about one hundred and three pages long and was published the end of November twenty ten. It is available on line as was written by Jonathan Long and Kevin Hylton.

If one has never exercised and is overweight rather check with ones general practitioner first. If trying to decide which activity would best suit one try asking a few simple questions. If one does not like the cold or the heat then any outdoor activity should be avoided always try to pick something that you will enjoy. Playing racquetball is a great sport as it will keep the heart healthy as well as use all muscles in the body.

Finances could play a part in the decision as many clubs will require a membership fee monthly. It is also important not to become bored with the sport as one will soon lose interest and not want to carry on. When joining a gym it might be a hassle and one might not want to feel like attending but once one has arrived and started the routine it will be worth the effort.

There seems to also be a higher percentage of blacks than whites when it comes to athletics. This could be because they have acquired these qualities through either environmental or hereditary factors. They seem to have more of an inborn physical skill when it comes to running as well as wanting to succeed.

Alcohol should also be monitored and if one is drinking too much getting out and doing something else will help to combat the need to drink. It is acceptable to drink socially but when it begins to affect the health it is time to think twice. It can cause damage to the liver, the brain and can also cause many different problems with the stomach as well as the heart.

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